โพสต์เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2557 | 09:37 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Very proud of these girls and their winning volleyball season! Also proud of my photo bombing skills... #ProudPapaBear #UniversitySchool #Suns #ChasingTheirGreatness; -
A microphone in hand and the press asks me to sing... #DontThreatenMeWithAGoodTime #WhatAWonderfulWorld #ISmellAGrammy #HERCULESWorldTour; -
Mr. Professional is in the house.. Biggest press conference I've ever attended. Amazing. #Beijing #HERCULESWorldTour #LotsOfCheeseOnThatPizza @brettrat @bubbakrush; -
"What's this puberty thing everyone keeps talkin' about?" #TBT #LostMemberOfMenudo #FakeBearskinOnTheWall #PornStache #WTF; -
"Cause every girls crazy bout a sharped dressed man.." #BeijingPressConference #HERCULESWorldTour #AintRockinAFannyPack;
She's a little jet lagged... #AMCardio #Beijing #HERCULESWorldTour #LetsGetToWork; -
Every year only 34 movies are allowed into CHINA - the biggest film market in the world outside of the US. Truly an honor to be here and give back the love I've received from this amazing country over the years. #BEIJING #BeautifulCulture #ProudCulture #HERCULESWorldTour; -
Good morning from beautiful Beijing... #TimeToRideOldBertha #SheKindaLikesMySweat #CowboysPuttinInWork #HERCULESWorldTour; -
Clangin' & Bangin' in BEIJING.. all while listening to a bad ass new band called "Making Inaudible Gorilla Grunts". #SlabTraining #315lbBarbellRows #HERCULESWorldTour; -
Just touched down - BEIJING. An honor being here in mainland China. I now need red meat, oatmeal and a gym immediately. #BecauseYoureMine #IWalkTheLine #LetsHaveSomeFun #HERCULESWorldTour;
Bound for Beijing... on the fastest private jet in the world - #G650 Let's get this show in the road.. #FlyinSilverEagle #TequilaOnIce #NoFannyPacks #HERCULESWorldTour; -
Never be denied.; -
He shut himself off from society for years. Battling depression and thoughts of suicide. Kevin Lamar met me half way and put in the hard work. This pic was taken 8 months ago - I just saw this man for the first time since then.. Wait to you see what he's done w/ his life on our new transformational show, TNT's WAKE UP CALL this December. #Inspiring #HePutInTheHardWork #DudesAChickMagnetNow; -
Never alone. #SundayInspiration; -
Always asked "What's the secret to success?" No secrets.. be humble, hungry and always be the hardest worker in the room. #CallousedHands #IronAnchor #KindlyCleanUpYourFnSweat;
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