โพสต์เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2557 | 22:16 น.

ปาร์ค แจบอม Jay Park
All I Wanna Do
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어제아침에 피트리가하늘나라로떠나갔어요. Yesterday morning my dog that was party of my family for 11 years passed away.. He had great life. We loved him with all our hearts.. Love you peatry rest well 피트리야사랑해 편희쉬어~!!!!!!!!; -
You know its official when chains you @benballer #aomg #followthemovement #chaininday; -
Who more official than us??? @benballer thanks big homie!!!! #aomgchains #followthemovement; -
Dope fan art shout outs to already__g !!!#aomg #followthemovement; -
Check the scoreboard baby~!!! #aomg #followthemovement #감아 #loco @satgotloco #holdmetight number 1 boii!!!!;
로꼬 1위갑시다~!!!!감아!! #aomg #followthemovement #감아 #holdmetight @satgotloco; -
하루사이에 스타가된 로꼬!!!! @satgotloco #aomg #followthemovement #wediditindependently #감아 #무례하게 #holdmetight; -
#감아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ@satgotloco; -
Also his first interview is up 로꼬첫인터뷰~!!#aomg #followthemovement; -
노래꼭들어보세여!! 로꼬새싱글 감아!!! 어떤가요???? #aomg #followthemovement;
Make sure you check it!! Loco!!! Good music!!! #aomg #followthemovement; -
2시간반뒤!! @satgotloco @hep_aom #aomg #followthemovement #감아 #무례하게 #holdmetight; -
Loco interview coming soon!! @satgotloco #aomg #followthemovement #감아 #무례하게 me and @hep_aom puttin in that work!; -
Pumpin z iron with @satgotloco 감아! 감아! 감아! 로꼬 랑운동 베이비!! #aomg #followthemovement; -
Tongue kiss the camera~ 매렁 #aomg #followthemovement;
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