Hwang Ssabu เทรนเนอร์ YG
YG Captain trainer /Jiujiteiro
ของ ฮวางซาบู
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Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. 목적 없는 공부는 기억에 해가 될 뿐이며, 머리 속에 들어온 어떤 것도 간직하지 못한다. - 레오나르도 다 빈치, Leonardo da Vinci; -
Before BigBang Japan Dome tour Concert 2013-2014, Hwangssabu Rules time~^^*; -
Osaka Hwangssabu-Rules people~ so thank u~^^*; -
Osaka Running time~^^*; -
Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. 인내와 끈기와 피나는 노력은 성공을 안겨주는 무적불패의 조합이다. - 나폴레온 힐, Napoleon Hill;
Well, what a u doing now~?!? Now is "Hwangssabu Rules" time^^ If u do this, and if u send a photo, Like U~^^; -
Hwangssabu Rules? Basic Tips for Health and Diet at regular intervals even better! 1. Stretching right now 2. Drink a cup of water slowly 3. Clap beats 30 times 4. Last laugh out loud ^__^ That was easy! Often these can maintain the health!^^ Do it~; -
황싸부's 식욕 보존의 법칙 제13화 대표적인 회식 모임 장소에서 식욕 보존법 http://storyball.daum.net/episode/2347 press Heart~. **; -
Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach. 아는 자들이여, 실천하라. 이해하는 자들이여, 가르치라. - 아리스토텔레스, Aristotle; -
We must never be afraid to go too far, for success lies just beyond. 너무 멀리 가는 것을 결코 두려워해서는 안 된다. 성공은 바로 저 너머에 있으니까. - 마르셀 프루스트, Marcel Proust;
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