โพสต์เมื่อ 12 มี.ค. 2559 | 10:47 น.

Miley Cyrus
if yiew get tired of da fweakyness go 2 @happyhippiefdn CHANGES lives of homeless/LGBT youth! GET MY FREE ALBUM!
ของ ไมลีย์ ไซรัส

The new TDR!; -
Yaaaaas Obama!!!!! I wish he could be the first in history to get a 3rd time around! ️; -
Trump constantly contradicts his ridiculous self! He just said "no one has gotten hurt at our rally's." - not true Rakeem was hurt!!!! And then he had the audacity to say "I don't wanna see anyone get hurt!" When your last statement was supporting more violence! This shit is soooo fucked up! This better be the end of this man and his presidential campaign .; -
️ Keith ️; -
When u find a shanti shirt;
Donald Trump promoting violence. I don't have hate in my heart but the closest thing to it I feel for Donald Trump. I usually would try to be more poetic in my politics but I have no other words then I despise the existence of this fuck! Go ahead and be this way in your life but please don't try to run my country and be my president! This is 1000000 steps backwards!; -
Vegan life is da bomb ! I ️ cookin!; -
Thank you so much @ianjamesdaniel @ellenpage for #gaycation and showing people all over the world OTHER people all over the world and how different cultures accept or neglect the lgbtq community ..... @happyhippiefdn I am blown away @viceland incredible series!!!! Brazil got me!!!!!!; -
#gaycation got me like....... @viceland @happyhippiefdn @ellenpage (this is post a scene where a young Japanese man comes out to his mother..... My heart breaks but is melded back together with hope and optimism for family acceptance); -
Congrats to my girl @ellenpage ️ @viceland; -
What people think vegans eat VS what we really eat!; -
When you pet Kris Jenner; -
️love animals don't wear them ️ - Eve (yes Im quoting Life Size) @tyrabanks #lovinganimalsisthebiggesttrend #PFW #pigfashionweek #takeastandagainstfur #please feat. @bellahadid & of course Pig Pig ; -
lazzzzz year n NY w @toddpendu 🦄 #wearglitternotanimals #fuckfur #fuckanimaltesting #loveanimalsdonthurtthem #please ;
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