@therock : My anchor. Your anchor. 530am wake up to start an insanely busy weekend with me being up for 37hrs straight w/ zero sleep. But first the anchoring part... Starts with 2 big cups of unleaded, quietly say good morning to all my girls without waking them up (I have a house full of estrogen;), take the only other thing in the house with testicles (my pup Hobbs) out for his "am business" then we head over to our #IronParadise otherwise known as "My anchor". I sit in the middle of the floor, stretch and think about the crazy schedule ahead. No music yet, just quiet thoughts and the occasional audible fart from my Frenchie Hobbs which I find hilarious because I'm a dude and well... we love laughing at dumb shit.
Then the fun begins.. lights come on, music blares and I knock out my cardio for 35min. I'll eat breakfast and go back for workout #2 which is heavy duty with the iron. After 3-4hrs of my AM ritual, I'm physically and psychologically "anchored". Now I can start my schedule.. Fly to LA, have multiple biz meetings, surprise the hell outta fans tonight at an event - they have no idea and its gonna be f'n awesome. Prep for and present at the Golden Globes on Sunday with the hottest woman on the planet (you'll see;), after the Globes I'll immediately book it back to the jet (no fun party's where DJ gets turnt) and a quick 4hrs back to Florida, land and head straight to the #IronParadise so I can knock out a cardio sesh to get the blood going for a 2nd wind, head straight to our #BALLERS set where we'll clock in another 12-14hr work day of shooting. When I finally lay my big head down to sleep at some point Monday night I would've been up workin' with zero sleep for approx 37hrs.
Point of this story isn't about long insane work hours equaling success, because that's bullshit. It doesn't. It's about OUR ANCHOR that we find that allows us to work hard for that success. My anchor is my AM ritual of kissing my babies, hangin' w/ Hobbs, quiet time and training hard. It's a crucial key to my success and I want you to find yours.
Find your anchor. Find your success.
And if you're thinking about getting a Frenchie, just remember they fart.
#MyAnchor #IronParadise
โพสต์เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2559 | 02:51 น.