โพสต์เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2559 | 17:18 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

AM cardio starts in 3...2... 🖕🏾 that snooze business. #GoodMorningFromTheIronParadise #DaddysGottaGoToWork; -
I always say "Know your business, be a student of the game, surround yourself with brilliant/hungry people and go to work". Cool announcements for you guys this week, but before that I want to recognize our two lead WME partners who stay focused and grind 24/7 to build our #SevenBucksProds. @bslater9 (Film division) and @jzhodes (TV division). We're a young hungry company who's growing fast and we've created a culture that's become the DNA of our business, which is we will always serve and entertain one thing and one thing only: OUR AUDIENCE. #2016HereWeCome #SevenBucksProds #AudienceFirst #IThinkTheyreTryingToPinchMyAss; -
Ah remembering the faces of all my high school girlfriends' parents meeting me for the first time. #6Foot4 #240lbs #DeepVoice #CreepyPornStache; -
2016 in the #IronParadise. One of us is happy and the other is just BEGGING someone to laugh at the dish on their head. "Don't make me come over there MF'r " ~ Hobbs; -
Me gettin' out of bed this morning ready to attack 2016, but forgot I trained legs hard core last night. 🏋🏾;
Blessed man to have amazing family and fans. Love U and cheers to all who believe in always working hard with our own two hands. #HappyNewYear; -
THANK U! 355million+ and cool thing is our IG page is one of the highest engaged pages in the world. We keep it fun, but more importantly we keep it real. 🏾; -
I wrote this 1 YEAR AGO. Important to reflect. Time to write new goals. Still workin' on that last sumbitch.. ; -
I'd lick you back but... #ClearlyHesStillDrugged #ButAtleastHesOfficiallyBionic #HobbsTheBeast; -
The dudes quiet "What the f*ck?" reaction is money! #BieberAir ;
And tonight we train "the beefs" aka legs. I passed out after we took this pic from holding my breath and trying to look cool.🏋🏾 #IronParadise #ABeefyKindaJoint; -
IT'S OFFICIAL: People's Champ is coming home to do 3 things with THE PEOPLE: Set an ALL-TIME attendance record, ELECTRIFY Dallas like never before & make all time #WRESTLEMANIA history. And we have FUN. Ok that's four things but you know what the hell The Rock's sayin'.. . THANK YOU #WWEUniverse! It's always an honor coming home and I wouldn't miss it for the world. #PeoplesChamp4L #MakingElectrifyingHistory #SmackethLaidDownOnThyCandyAsses 🏾; -
Enjoyed meeting this big awesome bruiser "Mac" today! #BringOnTheSlobber 🏾; -
WARNING * * VULGAR LANGUAGE (but we've been crackin' up over this for days now) #DumbSong #DeservedHilariousSlap @Lance210 .; -
Merry Christmas Uncle Tonga - enjoy your new truck! Cool Christmas story to share with y'all... Known my "Uncle Tonga" since I was 5yrs old. My grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia helped train him to become a professional wrestler in the 70's. Throughout Tonga's illustrious wrestling career he changed his name to "King Haku" and became one the WWE's most sought after "bad guys" and still known to this day for being one of the toughest and legit most vicious man in wrestling history. Years later and I get a call from WWE saying "Vince McMahon wants to see you wrestle immediately. He's flying you to RAW tomorrow and you'll have a tryout match." I thought holy shit that's awesome, buuuut there's a few problems: For me, I wasn't just having "a tryout match", because I had never actually HAD a real match in my life. Ever. WWE thought that I already had multiple matches under my belt, but little did they know. What they also didn't know was that I was broke as hell and didn't actually own wrestling gear - no boots, knee pads or most importantly.. wrestling trunks. I went to Sports Authority and bought some bright ass white volleyball knee pads, called my Uncle and asked if he had ANY trunks I could use for my tryout. He said all I have is a pair of shiny purple trunks (purple was his signature color), I told him I don't care if the trunks are all the colors of Skittles, I'll happily wear them. When I picked the trunks up from him I'll never forget the monster hug he gave me, look me in the eyes and said, "I'm so proud of you. Go get 'em nephew!" Here's the picture of me wrestling my FIRST MATCH EVER in Corpus Christi, TX in front of 15,000 people - proudly in my lucky purple trunks. And the rest... was history. My Uncle Tonga is a family man, humble man and champion. Most importantly one of the greatest human beings I know. So we walk outside and I said "Uncle how do you like my truck?" He said, "Whoooaaa nephew it's beautiful... I love it!" I said "Good 'cause it's yours." He was speechless. Thru tears (manly of course;) we monster hugged 'cause I'll never forget what he did for me when I had nothing. Merry Christmas Uncle and ofa atu. #LuckyPurpleTrunks;
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