โพสต์เมื่อ 19 พ.ย. 2558 | 20:24 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: Me and @kevinhart4real in the most f*cked up therapy session you will ever see in a movie! THIS FRIDAY we'll launch the WORLD PREMIERE trailer for #CentralIntelligence. #HesTheGoldenJet #ImJustBob; -
Love working with this man - #BALLERS director Julian Farino. Cool thing about producing a show on @HBO is the opportunity to craft characters over a longer period of time and we're lucky to have a filmmaker like Julian to help us tell those stories. And we may or may not be looking at something either dead or naked in this shot. #BALLERS SpencerStrasmore #Season2 #HBO #Miami; -
IT'S OFFICIAL: Want to welcome the talented and gorgeous @alexannadaddario to the cast of #BAYWATCH for the role of "Summer". Alex is a one of kind woman (I know from experience) and can't wait for you guys to see her own the role. The female roles of #BAYWATCH have become extremely hot properties around Hollywood and as promised, the quality women we'll cast are stepping into these roles to have fun and make them iconic for the world to enjoy. The #BaywatchFamily so far consists of a tatted up bald guy named Rock, the cool, yet extremely unattractive Zac Efron, the talented and gorgeous Alexandra Daddario...and some big casting announcements coming soon. And juuuuust wait til you guys see who we cast for the iconic role of "CJ Parker".... #CueSlowMotionRunningDownTheBeach #WhosPuttingTanningOilOnMyBack? #GetReadyForSomeFunInTheSun #BAYWATCH 🏾; -
We gettin' in the Christmas spirit early... #PickUpTrucksAndHighNotes #Channeling5thHarmony #NowKnownAs6thHarmony #AllIWantForChristmas 🏾; -
Thank you guys so very much.. Leading all celebs nominated with 5 NOMINATIONS. Link is in my bio. VOTE NOW and let's bring home the gold.. #FavoritePremiumCableTVActor #FavoriteActionMovieActor #FavoriteMovie #FavoriteActionMovie #FavoriteSocialMediaCelebrity #FavoriteSamoanAndBlackActorWithAGreatAss #ThatLastCatagoryMayOrMayNotBeReal 🏾;
Good morning... 430am in the #IronParadise and we have this pre-game speech from #GridironGang playing on a loop to get us fired up for this cracked out cardio session. Also on a loop is our buddy Ken Jeong from #TheHangover saying "Toodalooo muddahf*ckaaaaas" which seems to more appropriate at this hour. #AMCardio #IronParadise #WeAcceptTheMustangChallenge #Toodalooooo 🏾; -
My ace and OG @troyog. Killin' it (and his character) with a smile.. #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #APoolsideFullOfTrouble #MagicCity; -
Bringin' on Monday like.. #430amCardio #HandledAndDone #BringItOnMonday #JustDontKickMeInTheBallsWhileImFlexing; -
TONIGHT at 8pm on #OwnNetwork. At the end of my #MasterClass with @Oprah, she asked me what's one of the greatest life lessons I've learned throughout my journey. I share things in tonight's interview that I've never share publicly and I'm grateful to be able to share it with all of you. Share my successes and more importantly, share the lessons I've learned from my failures. #MasterClass #8pm #Tonight #OwnNetwork #BeTheHardestWorkerInTheRoom #BeTheSmartestWorkerInTheRoom; -
The hard work and hunger go hand in hand... It's the humble part that's the key to making it all work. #HardestWorkersInTheRoom 🏾 Photo credit @FortuneMag;
BIG DEBUT... crazy to share this with y'all.. so surreal to see this classic footage from of my VERY FIRST wrestling match in Memphis, for the #USWA (United States Wrestling Association). I just drove my truck up from Miami to Memphis, had no bank account to my name (just carried cash) and luckily found a very nice elderly couple living in a house on Union Avenue who was willing to rent out a room to me. I'll always remember it was Union Ave because every day I would drive by the world famous #SunRecords where the likes of Elvis, Jerry Lee and Johnny Cash had recorded early in their careers. In a weird way driving by that studio everyday kinda kept me motivated to stay grinding. I was 23yrs old, making $40 bucks per match and NO CLUE of the long journey that lay ahead of me. But I was then, as I am today, extremely grateful for the opportunity and always willing to put in the work. Y'all keep working hard at your goals and creating opportunities for yourselves, always be humble and never, and I repeat NEVER wear sunglasses inside a TV studio like I did here. What in theeeee f*ck!?? #NaughtyByNature #ViolentByDecision #Huh? #ClearlyImStillLearningHowToCutAPromo #USWA #FlexKavana #HumbleAndHungry #TheHardestWorkerInTheRoom #LetsGoToWaffleHouse; -
Take note gentlemen... be confident when delivering a pizza to the ladies and always make sure there's tons of extra cheese.. Thank you ladies for your work on set. Glad y'all had fun!🏾 #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #Miami; -
I started my career wrestling in flea markets and used car dealerships for $40 per match all throughout the south. (literally I was guaranteed to make $40 bucks cash every night). Finally my one shot arrived at "the big leagues" of the #WWE. My very first match in company was a PPV extravaganza called #SurvivorSeries taking place in the greatest arena in the world - Madison Square Garden. I had never been on TV before, much less ever wrestled in front of a global audience and the tough NYC crowd had no idea who in the f*ck I was. Nor did they care. By the end of the intense and entertaining 25min match, 22,000 people were standing and all chanting "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky". It was a moment I'll remember for the rest of my life. NYC made and launched my career that night and it will always be my "home away from home". You'll see my whole WWE journey and much more TOMORROW NIGHT on Oprah's #MasterClass #8pm #OwnNetwork #ThePeoplesChamp #TheBigApple #GratefulMan 🏾🏾; -
Stay strong. #prayingforparis; -
"When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at it... they'll tell you" ~ Walter Payton said by Spencer Strasmore. #BALLERS #Season2 #Miami #WhatAreTHOSE? 🏾;
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