โพสต์เมื่อ 2 พ.ย. 2558 | 07:11 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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Never buy a costume that says "One size fits most". #PissedOffPopeye #CostumeNeedsToComeInSilverbackSize #CornCobPipe #LooksMoreLikeACrackPipe #HappyHalloween 🏾; -
Dude's confident, chick's smokin' and I still look like a buff lesbian. . #HappyHalloween #RockHalloweenCostume #Repost @dylan414 ・・・ Happy Halloween @therock; -
You look like you could be someone's fantasy! Love it! Have fun tonight! #HappyHalloween #BadAssRockChick #RockHalloweenCostume #Repost @staystrangers ・・・ If you can't have him, be him #therock #wwe #justbringit @therock @wwe; -
Get it mama! Good to see you again.. #PleaseWatchYourStep #CauseImFeelinMyself #HappyHalloween #RockHalloweenCostume #Repost @safora.k ・・・ this year i am matching with the rock. best idea i've ever had. haha, love you @therock !!️ & happy halloween to everyone!!; -
Dogs now too... I can't. . Lil' buddy's like "There better some motherf*ckin' doggy treats up in this motherf*ckin' fanny pack" #RockHalloweenCostume #HappyHalloween #YallHaveFun 🏾🏾 #Repost @joveesbui ・・・ Happy Halloween! Do you smell what the rock is cooking? #pandi @therock #2015 #smackdown #90spic #therock #havaton;
Love the girls dressing up like me for Halloween and still look hot, while I still look like a buff lesbian. Appreciate you dahlin' and go have fun tonight. #SheEvenGotTissueUnderTheElbow #HappyHalloween #RockHalloweenCostume 🏾 #Repost @gurlsruleboysdrool ・・・ they say God created man in his image @therock I hope u see this I love your work!!!; -
Thank you homeboy! You might get a lot more than just candy tonight if you got out lookin' like this. 🏾. #HappyHalloween #RockHalloweenCostume #HaveFun #Repost @bessielee_ ・・・ Happy Halloween! I have loved The Rock since I was 16 and have been faithful ever since. #fantasyfulfilled #therock #thepeopleschamp #justbringit #faketattoo; -
Wow. Might be one of the greatest things I've ever seen. #VeryCreativeParents #ThisBabysGottaBrightFuture #PacifierInTheFannyPack #HalloweenRockCostumes2015 🏾🏾 #Repost @patrickthebaby ・・・ Happy Halloween! 2015 Patrick vs. 1996 @therock. #whoworeitbest #poptartsandcondoms #itsatissue #yougottaprotecttheturtleneck #morehairthan2015rock #patrickthebaby #halloween #happyhalloween #fashionkids #trendykiddies #BCMHalloween #myfirsthalloween #hapa #hapababy #therock; -
DJ: I'm conquering this #HalloweenCardio while rockin' the 21" gun salute. HOBBS: I love you and all, but I'm fresh outta f*cks to give right now. Literally. Fresh out. #IronParadise #AlphaSquadProblems #LearnEmYoung #RegardlessOfHowBusyYouAre #AlwaysGetYourCardioInSon; -
Just received this awesome shot from @underarmour of me signing #TheIconWall at #UnderArmourHQ in Baltimore. Our partnership is a FIRST EVER in Hollywood and it speaks volumes to the culture of UA to be global trailblazers and visionaries. So pumped to bring you guys new designs that are innovative, game changing and cool. #StayTuned #WereJustGettingStarted #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #IWill;
Reviewing our new bad ass @FORD commercial and digital assets with my #1 business partner HOBBS aka BUBBA. #HeApproves #FordCampaign #HobbsTough #FeedMe; -
Never skip "Head Day". Wait.. I meant.. Never mind.. #GoodMorningFromTheIronParadise #FinishYourWeekStrong #AndDrinkFromAManlyNeonShakerCup 🤓🏾; -
We ready.. #FinalWardrobeFitting #BALLERS #HBO #Season2 #Miami #LilHobbsTheBeast; -
Very cool #ThrowbackMashUp from artist @boxofficeartist of me today and my pops @WWE Hall of Famer #RockySoulmanJohnson circa 1984. My dad was a trailblazing bad dude in the game - becoming the first African-American Champion in almost every pro-wrestling organization he wrestled in. He always told me, "Respect is given when it's earned, so go out and earn it." From my boys Mike Tyson to Snoop Dog, they've all told me "The Soulman" gave them hope as black youngsters that they could become successful themselves in this world - become bad dudes in the game. #SoulmanSalute #ThrowbackMashUp #Trailblazers #BadDudesInTheGame; -
"Strip everything I have away - with me going back to being evicted, dead broke with $7 bucks in my pocket and the one guarantee is that tomorrow morning when the sun comes up I'll be somewhere training my ass off". After 75yrs of the iconic magazines existence, I was chosen by @muscle_and_fitness to be their first ever "MAN OF THE CENTURY". Truly an honor. Can't wait for you guys to read the story as it may help a few of you out there who are going thru hard times and struggles and yet have ambition to achieve your own greatness. In newsstands DEC 1st. #MuscleAndFitness #ManOfTheCentury #UA #HurryUpAndTakeThePictureCauseThisShitsHeavy🏾;
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