โพสต์เมื่อ 28 ต.ค. 2558 | 10:31 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Production for #ballers Season 2 starting next week, the character's threads must match his ambitions... and hide his demons. Great final fitting with my dope and talented wardrobe team @robertmatadesigns and @tiffthestylist #ballers #Season2 #BallOut #GinghamCheckBaller 🏾; -
There's a "Hungry for Greatness" culture that's currently missing at The U. We need it back. Forever grateful for my success at my alma mater University of Miami, because it helped shape me - but even more grateful for my failures and struggles at Miami, that truly helped motivate and define me. #OutworkTheCompetition #HungryForGreatness #TheU 🏾 ・・・ "I AM AND FOREVER WILL BE A MIAMI HURRICANE." - Dwayne The Rock Johnson DJ has generously donated to the school's Alumni Center and Football Facilities renovation fund. His giving, which was reportedly the largest donation ever given to Miami's athletic department by a former student, resulted in the renaming of the Hurricanes locker room. #94 #MiamiHurricanes #NCAA #DwayneTheRockJohnson #rocky_madness #teamRock #teamBringIt; -
What a ride! Thank you guys... Just found out SAN ANDREAS has officially become Warner Bros biggest movie of 2015 and one of the biggest in Hollywood all year ($475 million in global box office). We were the underdog movie of the summer - not a big franchise like Fast and Furious or Avengers, nor based off a successful book or theme park. Just a movie about a man who will do anything to protect his family from the biggest earthquake of all time. While operating a helicopter, small plane, pick up truck, parachute, speed boat and a tricycle while trying to look unafraid and cool🤓. Cool points and jokes aside, SAN ANDREAS was a worldwide success because of you - the best damn fans in the world. Appreciate U! 🏾🏾 #SanAndreas #LAFD #WarnerBrosBiggestMovieOf2015 #IMightRideAUnicycleInTheSequel; -
Finally week of prep before production begins on #BALLERS Season 2. We're chargin' hard, so send that soul to heaven 'cause that ass is ours... #IronParadise #WorldsMostPowerfulSubwoofer #AndBucketsOfSweat #AReligiousExperience 😎🏾; -
Happy Birthday mom! Never met anyone who lives every day of life to the fullest more than you. We're so very grateful you were born!🏾 #NowLetsGetGhettoOnTheseChickenWings #Ohana #OurSpot #Prime112;
That's a wrap from the farm! Grateful for a few days of downtime to recharge and reset. Trained like a beast, spent time with our fish and horses...and as always, seen a ghost or two. #ThisCountryBoysOut #LetsGetBackToWork #OurFarm #CivilWarLand #MeAndTheGhostsHaveAnUnderstanding; -
Casually serenading our horses like a G. #CantKeepTheirLipsOffMe #MustBeMyClaptonGuitarSkills #OrMyPostWorkoutFunk #EitherWay #YouLookWonderfulTonight #DontMakeItWeirdBuddyJustEnjoyTheMagic; -
Raisin' my fresh water hogs to be aggressive, but I could do without the name callin'...#INeedMoreBaitFishDammit #WheresTheFishTruck #FamilyFarm #CountryBoysParadise; -
Keep the votes coming... link to vote is in my bio. Let's make history, have fun and kick some ass. #InTheRunning #7PeoplesChoiceAwards #PCAs2015 🏾; -
AMAZING.. I posted this mural yesterday and asked you guys to help me shine some light on this unknown artist. I woke up this morning to find out her name is Jenna Ryan - an incredibly talented and lovely artist who's found inspiration thru exercise and art to fight cancer. Cancer affects us all... we have brave survivors in our family and loved ones we've lost. We're pulling for Jenna! Stay strong, keep kicking ass in the gym and inspiring the masses. #MotivationalArt #InspiringWoman 🏾🏾;
Fantastic artistry from @mustaleski. Thank you for the fan love and nothing quite says "International Bad Ass" like lifting your eyebrows while sipping lemonade out of a straw...🏾. #FanArt #FanLove #EyebrowsUp #AndManlyAsHell; -
Getting away to our farm always means I go up to our barn and sing to the horses - especially my daughter's horse and fellow alpha Scooby. #HelpsMeClearMyMind #ITakeRequestsScoobs #PleaseMakeItStopIsNotARealRequest; -
Dope fan love and massive gym wall mural! Not sure what country this is in or who this lovely artist is, but please tag them if anyone around the world knows?! #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #FanArt #MotivationalArt #Grateful #ThatsAlotOfPecMeat 🏾; -
I shared stories, laughed, cried, laughed some more and revealed things I've never shared openly - in hopes that one day my personal experiences may help you master this ever challenging, but amazing thing we call life. Honored to participate in @oprah's #MasterClass. Season kicks off this Sunday on @OwnTV with my good buddy @theellenshow Ellen DeGeneres. #BecomeMasterful #AndIfYouCryDoItInAManlyWayAndPretendToCutOnions; -
Love how my lil' beast here attacks a double bladed spinner that's damn near bigger than he is. Been raising my bass, sunfish, carp and catfish on our farm since they were babies...#RaiseEmAggressive #ProudPapa;
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