โพสต์เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2558 | 23:30 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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2 weeks away from completion and lil' beast Hobbs is ready to roll... #IronParadise #HardcoreHeaven #WhereTheStrongSurvive #AndFrenchiesGetCalloussesToo; -
Our version of Black Friday... Finishing off heavy leg day by throwin' my best friend "Happy George" around. In the event anyone's "tummy feels funny" from pushing too hard, then say hello to the bucket. #IronParadise #WhereTheStrongSurvive #AndTheWeakCallTheirMama #Onnit; -
"...the principles of what used to be known as basic manhood, has now become a lost art..." Thank you 26yr veteran of the U.S. Navy and SEALS, Derrick Van Orden for stopping by set and presenting me with his new book. I was moved when I got back into my trailer and read his note to me, "DJ, Thanks for everything you do for America." Thank you, sir for your words. More importantly, THANK YOU for all you've done me, my family and our country. #ANavySEALSGuide #ToTheLostArtOfManhood #IThinkImReadyForBUDS #INeedToHitPubertyFirst; -
What an inspiring story @bekkishae... Two years ago I tore two tendons from my pelvis which travelled up and caused three tears in my abdomen wall forcing me to have emergency surgery. I took this Superman pic of me being silly moments before surgery. As you'll read this AMAZINGLY FIERCE woman just had a radical hysterectomy to get rid of cervical cancer and any future cancers as well. I'm honored that my pre surgery pic inspired her, but what's more heartwarming to me and certainly more important is just how many people around the world she's inspiring -- just by being the fierce woman the universe intended her to be. #FierceChicksRock #CervicalCancerSurvivor #StayStrong 🏾 #Repost @bekkishae ・・・ 3 years ago when I had surgery, the Rock had hernia surgery a few months after me and posted the awesome pic on the bottom. It proved he was a fighter and I posted that if I ever had to have surgery, I was going to post my own fierce fighter pic, too. Yesterday, I had a radical hysterectomy to get rid of cervical cancer and rid myself of any future cancers. I'm not nearly as fierce as The Rock...but, really, who is? Thank you, Mr Dwayne Johnson, for motivating me to be strong and kick cancer's booty! #cancersucks #cervicalcancersurvivor #fierce #therock; -
My nightmare aka my very first TV "appearance" when I was 11yrs old. At a WWE TV taping in Allentown, PA. Since my dad was always on the road wrestling, any father/son time we got in was great, so I was super pumped to travel with him. It was backstage that I'd meet a man who years later we'd enjoy tremendous success together and he'd become one of my strongest mentors in business - Vince McMahon. I'll never forget he shook my hand, looked down at me and said "We gotta get you on camera tonight young man!". I thought, "WHOA I'm gonna be on TV... can't wait to tell my friends... AWESOME!". So I'm sitting there in the crowd, the camera man comes over and tells me he's getting ready to shoot so be ready.. It was in that defining moment that I just realized something awful... I was just getting over a bad case of Chicken Pox (you can clearly see a few "post pox" on my face) and I thought "Holy sh*t this is terrible! The world will see me for the first time and I look like someone set fire to my face and stomped it out with cleats". Looking back at this gem of a picture, there's two things I've learned: Things are never as bad as they seem (especially at 11yrs old) and instead of worrying about my Chicken Pox I should've been concerned with the world questioning whether I was a boy or a girl. Which, for the record happened all the time to me when I was a kid. #PrePubertyWasABitch #StopWorryingSweatheart #GetYourLittleAssInTheGym #TBT;
I've learned thru experience over the years, that when we place a tremendous amount of respect on our goals, we inevitably are willing to work that much harder to accomplish them. #RespectYourGoals #BeTheHardestWorkerInTheRoom #CussingAndSmilesAreMandatory; -
Clearly Brutus doesn't understand I'm busier than the President, and time has become my most valuable currency. #ThatsMyBoyThough #ActingLikeAG #PuppyTraining #WelcomeToMyWorld; -
Always cool (and grateful) to see my murals in gyms all around the world. THANK YOU. #StayHungry #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #NostrilFlareOnFleek; -
That's a wrap on a huge campaign! Very long work days, but new partnerships aligned and big business accomplished. Fired up to share the big announcement w/ y'all in a week or so. Til' then let's keep grindin' and I'll jump on this bird and have dead cow and tequila. #Its5amAndDaddysCominHome #PuppiesAreWaitin #WhichMeansDaddyHasToCleanUpTheirPee; -
Had the best dinner w/ my daughter Simone at one of our favorite spots. Life's crazy and complicated, but this amazing, loving, protective one of a kind father/daughter bond we have keeps me grounded and balanced. #GratefulMan #FatherDaughterBond #LifesBlessings #NowLetsOrderEveryDessertOnTheMenu #CuzWeCray #Prime112;
On set and demanding to my director @pberg44 that the script must reference how handsome I am..; -
Let me check again... yup, still can't fit in a Ferrari. Somethin' women like about a pick up truck man anyway. #StunningItalianRide #ButDaddysGottaGoTo; -
On our set today with the author of LONE SURVIVOR @marcusluttrell and that movie's director @pberg44. Both salt of earth men who I'm proud to call family. #NeverQuit #NeverForget; -
No training in front of crowds, no fanfare.. just low key and intensely pushing (and pulling) thru barriers to get better. #BeHungry #Humble #AndAlwaysBeTheHardestWorkerInTheRoom (and find a buddy who's willing to get on the floor to capture the dope camera angle - but that's none of my business).; -
When I finally show up will the moment be awkward? All these Rock shirts being made are hilarious. #GonnaBeAFunChristmas;
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