Shiro the happy boy eating his favorite carrot #mydoglovescarrots#shiromalamute#malamutenothusky#carrotslover#likeabunny Instagram @shiromalamute 146

How I spend my Friday night. How's yours! #sorrymum#istilllovepanda#shiromalamute#whitemalamute#moretoysplease Instagram @shiromalamute 173

Monday........ #shiromalamute#whitemalamute#malamutenothusky Instagram @shiromalamute 226

Beach dog Instagram @shiromalamute 147

Happy New Year Shiro chilling at Sydney's Bondi beach after having a late night out last night chasing fireworks #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute #bondibeach Instagram @shiromalamute 155

Some salmon for Shiro from #sydneyfishmarket #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 205

Time to chill and rest for awhile before mum n dad finish their meal #shiromalamute#whitemalamute#alaskanmalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 168

Shiro makes the Turkey look like a chicken #whitemalamute #alaskanmalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 167

Heyyy lemme join you two! Shiro not wanting to be left behind in our little hike #alaskanmalamute #malamutenothusky #whitemalamute #whitedog #adelaide Instagram @shiromalamute 204

Merry Christmas furiends! #shiromalamute#merrychristmas Instagram @shiromalamute 193

Video. Its time to play! Shiro enjoying the awesome spring weather. #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 42

Video. Its time to play! Shiro enjoying the awesome spring weather. #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 42

Happy Sunday everyone! #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 171

Happy Sunday everyone! #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 171

Shiro enjoying the sunshine at the #dutchtulipfestival #alaskanmalamute #malamutenothusky Instagram @shiromalamute 57

Having a rest after taking part in the #bersih4 rally and met this cute kid #bersihmelbourne #whitemalamute #alaskanmalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 166

Although born in Australia, Shiro took part in the protest against corruption in Malaysia #bersih4 #bersihmelbourne Instagram @shiromalamute 172

Shiro didn't like being photographed with a party hat on #shiromalamute #whitemalamute #alaskanmalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 179

Errrr are you gonna let go? Shiro wants to play fetch but won't let go of the stick #alaskanmalamute #whitemalamute #shiromalamute Instagram @shiromalamute 152

Come on hurry up! Shiro gets impatient as we trudge through the show while he happily darts all over the place #whitemalamute #alaskanmalamute #dinnerplain #snowdog Instagram @shiromalamute 149