Instagram ดารา @samhaseyebrows

This is Sam. He has eyebrows. NYC • cat model • tuna lover • heart breaker

The best kind of Monday is one when you don't have to work. Happy Labor Day! Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,342

#tbt to Extremely Close and Incredibly Worried. Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,901 that button riiiight there...and vote for #TheFriskies! You can click here or go to and let everyone know who your favorite kitty is! You have until September 8th to cast your vote and help Friskies donate food to animal shelters; you're just a couple of clicks away from making a difference! Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,820

Welcome to #Caturday. Instagram @samhaseyebrows 3,243

Come at me, bro. Instagram @samhaseyebrows 3,182

Look at you guys go!! Already 188,000 cans, but we can do better. Friskies will donate up to 250,000 cans of wet food to cat shelters, but you have to vote in order to feed those kitties in need! The finalists for each category, #Res-cute, #Strange, #Epic, and #Funny can be seen on You have until September 8th to cast your vote so get clickin'! Instagram @samhaseyebrows 385

Voting for #TheFriskies finalists opens today!! You can vote in 4 separate categories, #Epic, #Strange, #Funny, and #Res-cute and each vote will count towards one can of wet food that will be donated to a shelter! Here are some of Sam's favorite contestants; you can check out the full videos here Instagram @samhaseyebrows 1,468

Remember that time I made out with @realgrumpycat? She had a great time. Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,836

Uncle Sam wants YOU to leave him alone. Instagram @samhaseyebrows 1,445

Why is it Monday again?!? Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,452

What?!? I'm watching my figure... Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,689

#tbt to that time I had legs! Instagram @samhaseyebrows 3,133

Monday is knocking, but I'm not answering. Instagram @samhaseyebrows 3,138

Living the American dream this weekend... Instagram @samhaseyebrows 67

Hump Day...teehee! Instagram @samhaseyebrows 586

I don't think Monday will find me over here. #crossingmypaws Instagram @samhaseyebrows 1,331

Drum roll please...The #Friskies video for #CatSummer is here!! Follow this link to watch @realgrumpycat, @nala_cat, @oskar_the_blind_cat, and @hamilton_the_hipster_cat hangin out together: Remember that for EVERY VIEW (up to a million) Friskies will donate a Grillers meal to a shelter cat so please watch and share so we can help feed these kitties! If you're still not sold, the meals are being donated in memory of the one and only, @colonelmeow. Go watch! #ColonelSaysSo #ad Instagram @samhaseyebrows 714

Stay back, Monday...I'm warning you... Instagram @samhaseyebrows 2,582

BEWARE: On Wednesday, July 16th, #Friskies is doing something big that will help out shelter cats AND be highly entertaining...#CatSummer #ad Instagram @samhaseyebrows 889

Sam wants to know: Have YOU joined #TheFriskies yet? If not, there's still time to upload a video of your kitty on Vine or Instagram with the hash tag #TheFriskies or at Don't forget to enter in their category with hash tags, #Epic, #Strange, #Funny, or #Rescue! Good luck and may the paws be forever in your favor. #catnip #ad Instagram @samhaseyebrows 682

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