Peek a boo 😶 #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,373

Oh, good morning ️ #OkSoMaybeItsTheAfternoon #ICanSleepTilNoonIfIWant #rilakkupudge #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,544

Tickley toes 😛 #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 929

#pudgie #selfie ️#pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 5,774

Itty-bitty baby Pudge #babypudgespirational #pudgethecat #babypudge Instagram @pudgethecat 8,320

Don't steal my purse!! #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 2,759

Come to bed. Let's cuddle? #OrAtLeastGiveMeSomeBellyRubsAnyways #pudgethecat #rilakkupudge Instagram @pudgethecat 5,282

Learn how to make these photo magnets in the new Pudge it Yourself video now on YouTube! [youtube.com/PudgeTheKitten] #makesomeforyourmom #pudgethecat #PIY Instagram @pudgethecat 1,252

Pudge is having a good mustache day =ㅇㅅㅇ= #pudgethecat #prettyfineforafemalefeline Instagram @pudgethecat 4,870

Mondays, harrumph. #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 1,793

This is my coffee table. I don't want to share it #tableloveaffair #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 645

Reach for the stars follow your dreams #pudgethecat #pudgespirational Instagram @pudgethecat 6,680

Pudge is the queen of fluff and this is her crown #shemadeitherself #obv #DIYfurcrown #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 2,658

Secret Pudge drawer #pudgethecat #doesnthelpmeputawaylaundry Instagram @pudgethecat 4,221

Baby Pudge #pudgethecat #babypudge Instagram @pudgethecat 4,895

Learn how to do your own cat nail art in the new episode of Pudge it Yourself! Pudge approved Watch on YouTube: YouTube.com/PudgeTheKitten #PIY #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 4,002

#HappyEarthDay 🌎 #pudgethecat #pudgespirational Instagram @pudgethecat 4,263

#HappyEarthDay 🌎 #pudgethecat #pudgespirational Instagram @pudgethecat 4,263

Chasing shadows in bed 🌗 #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 4,108

️ #PudgeyEaster #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 6,213