Amanda We want to wish our friends a Merry Christmas we don't have time to be here tomorrow because we are going to our grandma and we will be there over christmas and new year Take care and enjoy the holiday We Love yaa all ️ Instagram @mysmammi 87

Elton -i got a christmas card from the animal hospital where i am donors me and the other donors (we are are 15 donors) have helped 17 kitties with blood this year️ i think the card is to all of my family️ Rasmus has been a donors too️ Instagram @mysmammi 22

Elton-this card came all da way from Australia Thank you so much Koko and mom Anne for this beautiful christmas card️ we Love it Instagram @mysmammi 13

We want to say Thank you sooo much️Mini Phoenix & Mami & daddy @miniophoenix for this wonderful gifts️️and the cute card ️ we Love it as you can see(it had been enough with a card️) Have a great christmas dear friends️ Instagram @mysmammi 81

Rasmus Have a lovely day (mom is busy she catch up with you later️) Instagram @mysmammi 92

Amanda -i hope Santa likes pink because i like this hoodie i got from @purrrliciousss Instagram @mysmammi 120

Elton -heeey you if you see Santa pleeeze tell him i'm here Instagram @mysmammi 100

Lilla My -mom it's your turn now🚿 Instagram @mysmammi 122

Rasmus -where is my breakfast Have a great day Instagram @mysmammi 27

Amanda -now i'm ready for christmas🚿 Instagram @mysmammi 110

Baltiz & Elton -what mom Have a great sunday️ (mom is busy with bathing one of the girls🚿) Instagram @mysmammi 25

Elton i'm a good boy Instagram @mysmammi 151

Nalle daydreaming️ Instagram @mysmammi 29

Rasmus -i can be a good boy too can i have some treats now Happy caturday (mom is sooo busy she will catch up with you later) Instagram @mysmammi 49

Elton -i'm only sitting here mom i don't touch anything i'm a nice boy Instagram @mysmammi 124

Baltiz -hurry up with da cleaning so we can cuddle ( mom catch up with you later) Instagram @mysmammi 64

Elton & Baltiz Have a lovely friday️️️ Instagram @mysmammi 5

Amanda-now can everypawdy see i'm a princess mom Thank you so much @purrrliciousss Instagram @mysmammi 124

#tbt This is a pic of my girl i lost -08 she was our first girl together️ her name was Lonely spice girl but we called her Cindy she had the same mom as Lilla My she was such a Lovely girl️ she took a piece of my heart when she left us Forever in my heart 27.03.98-24.03.08 ️️ Instagram @mysmammi 57

Elton i have one paw on this bag so all know it's mine️ Thank you so much @purrrliciousss️ Instagram @mysmammi 139