Baltiz -giving my brother a hug and a face wash #kramkalas Instagram @mysmammi 79

Milla -i'm ready for monday #kittiesagainstmonday Have a great monday️️️ Instagram @mysmammi 123

Rasmus -is it treats now Instagram @mysmammi 78

Selina -i can't see anything snazzy with leg warmers -can you #snazzycats Have a great lazy sunday️🌤️ Instagram @mysmammi 47

Elton -really?! The face when you wake up from your nap and finds out it's caturday not a lazy sunday #caturdaycuties Instagram @mysmammi 134

Milla -i'm showing the birdies how snazzy i am We also want to wish our handsome friend Corpus @bougy_and_corpus a belated Happy Birthday hope you had a great day with lots of goodies and cuddle we Love you️ (so sorry we missed your DAY️) Instagram @mysmammi 105

Baltiz -hope da birdies knows it's caturday Happy caturday #caturdaycuties Instagram @mysmammi 74

Amanda -mom tomorrow it's caturday Instagram @mysmammi 102

Rasmus -don't disturb mom i'm looking on #tgif #snazzycats Instagram @mysmammi 83

Nalle -just loafing Happy Friday️ #tgif Instagram @mysmammi 117

Selina -mom gave me this bandana and she thinks i like it #idontlikeit It has been a great sunny day today️ Instagram @mysmammi 167

Elton -yesterday i was to the animal hospital and gave bloodso they can help sick furbabies i was such a good boy they called me little hero Have a great day️ #blooddonation #blooddonor ❣#hero Instagram @mysmammi 95

Milla -where is Baltiz when i need to clean my face #whiskerswednesday Instagram @mysmammi 149

Rasmus -i'm #justhanging here and showing you my whiskers Thank you so much @showcasing_pets for the feature i'm so proud to be in your gallerie #showcasing_pets Instagram @mysmammi 140

Baltiz -i see Happy #whiskerswednesday Instagram @mysmammi 65

Elton -i'm just helping my mom to do bandanas #notinthewayatall Instagram @mysmammi 181

Amanda -mom what you doing on the floor -your are not a kittie you know Have a great day And Thank you so much @icu_topcatbreeds for featured my pici'm so proud to be in your gallerie #icu_topcatbreeds 🏻 Instagram @mysmammi 64

Milla -this is my favorite toy Mr Fetchy (kitty boinks) i give him to mom when i want to play fetch sometimes i just carries him around or hide him so mom must help me to find him, that is a fun game too Instagram @mysmammi 150

Baltiz -hope monday don't comes in here #kittiesagainstmonday Have a purrfect day Instagram @mysmammi 117

Selina -sunday funday showing our box from auntie Licia @liciasarzano to @sharikeny 🏻 And Thank you so much @aworldofcats for the feature i'm so happy and proud #a_world_of_cats Instagram @mysmammi 75