Baltiz -i Love you little Instagram @mysmammi 76

Baltiz & Rasmus -heeey mom hurry up i want some treats (hope you can see them catch up with you later) Have a purrrfect tuesday Instagram @mysmammi 70

Amanda -noo mom i'm naked -were is my pajamas Instagram @mysmammi 90

Elton -high five mom have learned me (lefto fr yesterd) Instagram @mysmammi 86

Rasmus -i'm not lazy but i like to lie down and play typical ragdoll (catch up with you later Instagram @mysmammi 153

Elton -heey what you doing little Have a great day️️️ Instagram @mysmammi 144

Repost from @lovelynana417️ Dear friends and animal lovers, I urge you to please sign this petition! I go to Kuwait every year to visit my family and I see how animals are treated over there, they face all kind of abuse and humiliation. They are dying from hunger and poison, how can someone do that to an innocent creatures that is a creation of God and have a soul exactly like us humans!! My sisters live in Kuwait and they face all kind of abuse because they feed stray cats and even their neighbor killed the kittens and put them on the stairs for my sisters to see which was a nightmare for them. So please help strays in Kuwait by signing this petition🏻🏻🏻🏻 Www.thepetitionsite.com/974/730/630/stop-poisoning-stray-cats-and-dogs-in-Kuwait/? Instagram @mysmammi 37

Amanda -Thank you so much #Excellent_kittens for the feature🏻 on me as a baby i'm so honored and happy to be in your gallerie Instagram @mysmammi 144

Elton fluffy boy (catch upsoon) Instagram @mysmammi 202

Rasmus -i can show you the way -to my treats Instagram @mysmammi 116

Baltiz -mom don't laugh Instagram @mysmammi 158

Nalle Have a lovely sunday️ (catch up with you later️) Instagram @mysmammi 116

️️ATTTENTION CAT/PET/ANIMAL LOVER️ TOGETHER WE CAN HELP!!!️ repost from @sethandjax ️PLEASE READ BELOW and help if you can! *GoFundMe and PayPal info in profile!* ️The moms dont have phones currently or internet so access to IG is limited. I am a neighbor reposting this to their account for them. They wanted me to say thank you to everyone who has helped! Words cannot express how grateful they are. PLEASE HELP if you can. The smallest amounts add up quickly if enough people help. Even taking time to repost this to help spread the word is appreciated! They would meet their goal easily and the boys will still be with their mom's who love them beyond words. Please, I can see their panic setting in and its heartbreaking. We all have had moments in our life that have made us feel like there is no hope, no way out. This is a chance to help someone who is going through just that. If anyone truly needed chance to get life back on track its them. @elegantpillowdesigns Wrote the following! I know a lot of you are like me concerned about what happened to @sethandjax. Well, I finally was able to get a hold of their parents to find out if everything is ok. I'm sure you can guess by me setting up a GoFundMe account that they need our help. @sethandjax parents are going through a difficult time. Their mom is having health issues that has caused some hardship. Their parents are going to be evicted at the end of the month and could possible have to give up Seth and Jax. You guys know how much they love their boys. It would crush me to see that. They have exhausted all means at this time. Anything you can do will be so appreciated. I know they will truly be grateful. All their IG followers please help me get the word out! Instagram @mysmammi 35

Elton tired boy Instagram @mysmammi 250

Baltiz -i'm not a monkey silly boy️ Instagram @mysmammi 29

Lilla My & Nalle enjoying the ️Happy caturday️️ Instagram @mysmammi 94

️ATTENTION PETLOVER️Repost from @sethandjax via @igrepost_app, ️PLEASE READ BELOW and help if you can! *GoFundMe and PayPal info in profile!* ️The moms dont have phones currently or internet so access to IG is limited. I am a neighbor reposting this to their account for them. They wanted me to say thank you to everyone who has helped! Words cannot express how grateful they are. PLEASE HELP if you can. The smallest amounts add up quickly if enough people help. Even taking time to repost this to help spread the word is appreciated! They would meet their goal easily and the boys will still be with their mom's who love them beyond words. Please, I can see their panic setting in and its heartbreaking. We all have had moments in our life that have made us feel like there is no hope, no way out. This is a chance to help someone who is going through just that. If anyone truly needed chance to get life back on track its them. @elegantpillowdesigns Wrote the following! I know a lot of you are like me concerned about what happened to @sethandjax. Well, I finally was able to get a hold of their parents to find out if everything is ok. I'm sure you can guess by me setting up a GoFundMe account that they need our help. @sethandjax parents are going through a difficult time. Their mom is having health issues that has caused some hardship. Their parents are going to be evicted at the end of the month and could possible have to give up Seth and Jax. You guys know how much they love their boys. It would crush me to see that. They have exhausted all means at this time. Anything you can do will be so appreciated. I know they will truly be grateful. All their IG followers please help me get the word out! Instagram @mysmammi 146

Elton -it's raining birdies️ Instagram @mysmammi 101

Nalle -are you done with the cleaning so you can give me some food Instagram @mysmammi 54

Baltiz Happy friday️ #tgif (catch up with you later) Instagram @mysmammi 128