Instagram ดารา @msy1515
Masaya Yoshimura


ひげ Whiskers. Instagram @msy1515 593

ホタテとチビホタテ(笑) Hotate and Little Hotate :) Instagram @msy1515 1,043

すやすや Zzzzz Instagram @msy1515 686

仲良し Family Instagram @msy1515 1,503

それ美味しい? Is it delicious? Instagram @msy1515 1,439

ひなた Sunshine Instagram @msy1515 1,852

うまうま Yumyum Instagram @msy1515 2,977

遊ぼうわん! Play with me! Instagram @msy1515 704

ピンクのはな Pink nose Instagram @msy1515 2,539

そこまで箱が好きな理由は人間にはきっと判らない。Why does the cat like boxes so much? Probably The human being does not know it :) Instagram @msy1515 1,978

ごろごろごろ Purrrr Instagram @msy1515 1,316

きば Fang Instagram @msy1515 1,712

美味そうにゃ匂いが… Smell so good.., Instagram @msy1515 937

ねこぱんち Pawing! Instagram @msy1515 2,319

遊びの時間(^^) It's play time! Instagram @msy1515 2,584

じっと。 Eyes. Instagram @msy1515 336

シラス枕 Shirasu Pillow :) Instagram @msy1515 2,040

街の猫 A town cat which is loved by all :) Instagram @msy1515 651

お腹減ったー! I'm starving! Instagram @msy1515 649

(-ω-) Instagram @msy1515 561

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