Instagram ดารา @msy1515
Masaya Yoshimura


お手入れ(^^) Grooming :) Instagram @msy1515 1,405

かくれんぼ Hide and seek :)) Instagram @msy1515 2,623

美味しいもの頂戴にゃ I want a delicious thing. Instagram @msy1515 1,523

Eyes. Instagram @msy1515 2,497

Zzzzz Instagram @msy1515 1,926

Eyes. Instagram @msy1515 2,714

チビたち Kittens. Instagram @msy1515 1,438

日向ぼっこ Basking in the sun. Instagram @msy1515 1,651

Instagram @msy1515 709

氷欲しいにゃ She wants ice. Instagram @msy1515 2,034

カメラバッグですが… It's my camera bag... Instagram @msy1515 1,940

いい匂いにゃ… Good smell.. Instagram @msy1515 1,564

ホタテとクラム Hotate and Clam :) Instagram @msy1515 1,066

アタシの! It's my bag :)) Instagram @msy1515 2,938

ねこサッカー、キックオフです! Hotate kicks off, and the ball is away! Instagram @msy1515 713

Zzzzz Instagram @msy1515 2,172

ご飯を食べてご満悦(^^) Delighted face after a meal :) Instagram @msy1515 3,559

お腹減ったにゃ I'm hungry! Instagram @msy1515 2,195

箱好娘 She loves boxes :) Instagram @msy1515 1,370

毛玉 a fur ball :) Instagram @msy1515 2,701

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