Good morning!!今日も寒いね〜(≧∇≦) Instagram @marutaro 9,030

Good night!!いいから早く寝よっ。 Instagram @marutaro 3,707

パパに大吉キタ━(∀)━!!!!! #尊敬の眼差し #アゴ出てるよ Lucky me! The fortune(Omikuji) said that I'll have excellent luck! I think a lot of good things are coming this new year! *Omikuji are random fortunes written on strips of paper at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan. Literally “sacred lot“, these are usually received by making a small offering and randomly choosing one from a box, hoping for the resulting fortune to be good. Instagram @marutaro 108

Good morning!!今日は初詣行くんだって〜(≧∇≦)#おみくじやりたい Instagram @marutaro 9,003

See u tomorrow...night night 風邪が流行ってるから注意してね。おやまる〜(。-_-。) Instagram @marutaro 16,868

good weather for a walk初詣はまだだけど、お散歩してきたよ〜(≧∇≦) Instagram @marutaro 2,652

Good morning!!おそようございます\(^o^)/ パパがお寝坊したんだよ(。-_-。) Instagram @marutaro 14,975

Good night!!さぁ寝よっか Instagram @marutaro 19,403

improve with practice練習あるのみっ Instagram @marutaro 14,217

門松があるところに神様が来るんだってね。カミサマこっちだよ〜\(^o^)/ Between Christmas and January 7th, on both sides of the entrance doors you will notice in Japan kadomatsu「門松」, "gate pines", a beautiful New Year traditional Japanese decoration made to welcome the kami, especially the kami of the harvest. Kadomatsu is made from 3 diagonally cut bamboo pieces of different sizes and pine or ume twigs tied together with a straw rope. Instagram @marutaro 9,100

Wishing you all a very happy New Year. (JST) 明けましておめでとう!今年も邁進あるのみ。みんな、ついてきてね\(^o^)/ Instagram @marutaro 12,181

Which of those photos do you like best? * May the coming year be special in every way… bringing you the gift of love and excitement. Good fortune and Maru will come to the home of those who smile!! *2014年、思い出いっぱい。好きな写真あった?来年は絶対にキャッチがうまく出来るようになりたいな。笑う門にはまる来るだよ! 良いお年を!! Instagram @marutaro 16,164

Bros..パパにお土産もらったの〜(≧∇≦)#プリケツ選手権 Instagram @marutaro 11,991

Wakey, wakey\(^o^)/ 今日は #お寝坊まるさん Instagram @marutaro 11,390

I'm back!! Thank u Taiwan!! ただいま〜(≧∇≦)そしておやすみ〜 Instagram @marutaro 15,911

Good evening!! パパね、まだ帰ってきてないよ〜(。-_-。) Instagram @marutaro 9,557

Good morning!!おは〜(≧∇≦)いい天気になったね! Instagram @marutaro 1,198

Good night!!パパは明日帰ってくるんだって〜(。-_-。) #お土産あるかな Instagram @marutaro 10,808

LamiGirls with Maru, they are very famous group in Taiwan!! 2015年はラミガールが来る! Instagram @marutaro 309

Press conference in Taiwan!! with my cutie friend, her name is Coffee @coffee_and_apple 記者発表会始まるよ〜(≧∇≦) #緊張で変な汗が出てる Instagram @marutaro 9,328