See you tomorrow!! おにゃんすみ〜 Instagram @marutaro 5,403

Let's walk with me!!お散歩いこ〜(≧∇≦) Instagram @marutaro 9,147

Good morning!!連休明けがんばって〜(≧∇≦) Instagram @marutaro 3,382

Sorry, I'm really tired. Gotta hit the sack.今日は疲れちゃった。また明日ね〜 Instagram @marutaro 8,608

shower time!!🚿シャワーやだなぁ〜 Instagram @marutaro 9,306

Good morning!!おそまる〜(≧∇≦) Instagram @marutaro 14,161

Night nightもう寝た?まるも今から寝るよ〜 Instagram @marutaro 15,400

Let's go home!!さぁお家に帰ってご飯食べよっ!ハンバーグがいいな〜 Instagram @marutaro 8,712

Happy children's day!! 地震怖かったよね〜。だいじょぶだった? Instagram @marutaro 11,689

Good nightまた明日ね〜 Instagram @marutaro 16,207

Koinobori!!!鯉のぼりいっぱいいたよ〜 Instagram @marutaro 3,088

群馬県は神流町からおはまる〜(≧∇≦) Good morning!! “Koinobori” meaning "carp streamer" in Japanese, are carp-shaped wind socks traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate Tango no Sekku , a traditional calendrical event which is now designated a national holiday; Children's Day.These wind socks are made by drawing carp patterns on paper, cloth or other nonwoven fabric. They are then allowed to flutter in the wind. They are also known as satsuki-nobori .Children's Day takes place on May 5. Landscapes across Japan are decorated with koinobori from April to early May, in honor of sons and in the hope that they will grow up healthy and strong. Instagram @marutaro 7,139

Hey Big bird!! Wait for me! I'm coming with you...コバトン待て〜(≧∇≦)ムニャムニャ Instagram @marutaro 10,758

With big birdコバトンさんって言うんだって〜。大きいのにねぇ Instagram @marutaro 17,588

Good morning起きて〜(≧∇≦)朝ですよ〜 Instagram @marutaro 6,714

Good night!!! Instagram @marutaro 8,203

enjoy an afternoon restふわふわがいっぱいあるね〜 Instagram @marutaro 13,365

Good morning!!今日もいい天気ね〜(≧∇≦) Instagram @marutaro 11,770

Good night!!ムニャムニャ。 Instagram @marutaro 7,619

splish splash肉球冷やすと気持ちいいんだよね〜 Instagram @marutaro 12,937