I'm a breath inspector, everything is here. @roscoe_fitness Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 644

This is my begging face 😇 Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 333

I heard it's hug your cat day. I'm on my way @nala_cat @white_coffee_cat Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 677

I got a new bed, but I'll still sleep in mom's bed tonight @white_coffee_cat @nala_cat Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 403

I'm so comfy Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 45

Hello, Monday 😴 Thank you for my pillows @cushioncutdecor ️ Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 85

You made this for me? Thank you, I love it! @juan_carlos_rossi Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 325

For anyone that needs it, Spencer LOVES YOU! He's sending virtual hugs ️ Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 349

We're cheering for you!! @vandercats #godebbygo#ironman703 Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 210

Taste like chicken 🐓🐉 #wannabecat#thuglife Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 123

Good morning 😴 Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 203

I was playing in the garden, I have the evidence in my hair @juan_carlos_rossi @roscoe_fitness Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 323

Bromance @roscoe_fitness Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 598

The grass is greener where I water it 😛 Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 410

"The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example" Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 502

We probably read better than the people on the other side of the rope @juan_carlos_rossi Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 211

They hired me based on my impeccable resumé #imtoohot Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 395

Let's pitch a tent and snuggle Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 396

I had so much fun today! Thank you for inviting us @juan_carlos_rossi Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 359

Did you bring the selfie stick? @juan_carlos_rossi #manoafalls#hawaii Instagram @hello_spencer_dog 193