racing into the holiday weekend! we always approach vacation time with fierce determination. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 10,862

a true hipster never leaves his bicycle's side. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,516

world cup fever! feeling some nerves but a lot of energy for the US team today! best of luck, USA! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 13,363

examine everything before eating. mother nature's cruelest joke: not everything is edible. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 13,425

perfectly bootiful and budnificent skies today! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,467

starting the weekend off with a good stretch. must stay limber to reach all the crumbs under the table. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 10,537

@s5a / gund boo and i may have gotten off to a rocky start, but we're good friends now. he's got great style. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,794

boxing paws! i'll consider getting in the ring once i wake up from my nap. will fight for treats. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 9,160

most of my life is displayed in some version of a glorious face plant. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,182

a best buddy makes the world bright and colorful. happiest 11th birthday to my sweet BEST buddy! we feel so lucky and blessed to have you in our lives as our loyal forever friend. i can't wait for all the new adventures we will go on together! xoxo ️ Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,224

school of buddy. buddy fact #10: buddy lets me copycat him all the time but still teaches me everyday to be the best me that i can be! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,992

#tbt halloween. buddy fact #9: buddy makes everyone feel like a superhero. when we are out saving the world, no cookie will go unnoticed! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 12,867

boowis & clark! buddy is extremely curious and on his way to making his mark in history as one if the world's greatest explorers. it is so fun running alongside him on all his adventures! next up: making fire! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 141

buddy fact #7: buddy likes to conserve his energy during the day so that at night he can perfect his schemes to take over the world. as his trusty sidekick it is my duty to also conserve energy with him. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 7,432

double trouble! buddy fact #6: buddy taught me that it is better to play in front of the fireplace rather than IN the fireplace. the law of buddy: trouble + staying clean = fun + fewer baths. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,648

all eyes on buddy. buddy fact #5: buddy is the best buddy/big brother in the world. he always keeps his cool when i pester him. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 11,444

pinky and the brain! buddy fact #4: nothing gets past buddy. he always knows to question things when i am too naive to know that i am being tricked. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 13,100

a star is born! buddy fact #3: all the catty cats in the office like to gossip about how long buddy spends on his hair, but yes, he really just wakes up looking like that. buddy is ALWAYS camera ready. me ... not so much. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,278

peek-a-boo! buddy fact #2: due to a scary incident several years back with a much larger pup, buddy is sometimes nervous around other dogs. he, however, always puts on a brave face for me, let's me hide behind him whenever i need to, and smiles to say everything will be a-ok. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 3,986

buddy, my best bodyguard! buddy's 11th birthday is in just 10 days, so in the days leading up to his big day, i will give you 10 buddy facts so that everyone can get to know my bestest friend. buddy fact #1: at home he is referred to as king buddy, because he rules the household (and knows it). whatever he says goes! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 10,423