Instagram ดารา @blossomloveslaces

I love laces, other peoples food & dads record playing thingy. I also go by Princess Fluff Puff, DJ Fluff Puffz & Baby Jean (I also love jeans).

Way back wednsday. Me being super fluff! Instagram @blossomloveslaces 320

So happy to be cuddling my dad that I dribble...can't help it. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 313

My best scary face!! Instagram @blossomloveslaces 259

@heyladylilah loves dads reeboks. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 196

At too much Sunday roast. No I'm sleepy. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 279

Ol'blue eyes. @heyladylilah Instagram @blossomloveslaces 309

My dad just met @heyladylilah Instagram @blossomloveslaces 347

It's Caturday!! I'm pretending not to be happy about this. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 251

Happy it's stopped raining...although I'm currently sitting in a puddle. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 273

Dribblin' cause I'm being tickleds. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 320

Way back when-sdays. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 396

Way back when-sdays. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 292

I've been expecting you Mr. Bond! Instagram @blossomloveslaces 350

My friend @shitpescatarian made this collage of me and my dad using a cat papouse. Love it! X Instagram @blossomloveslaces 136

Niiiiiiiiights. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 318

Everybody loves the sunshine. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 273

Notice me!! Instagram @blossomloveslaces 307

Boo! I'm under your chair dad! Instagram @blossomloveslaces 289

Let's play now I say. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 182

DJ Fluffz on the ones and twos. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 175

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