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Hamilton the Hipster Cat

North America's largest non-profit pet adoption website. We help homeless pets find love. #HappyBeginnings to enter our Facebook cover contest.

Hammy after dark... #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 9,676

Hammy plotting his jump... Make sure to follow Hammy's (not so) secret page @the_mustache_cat @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 13,654

Ham had a great birthday and it really wore him out...thank you all for the birthday wishes. BTW - the video of Hammy shredding his toilet paper present is posted on the @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat #thankyou Instagram @adoptapetcom 6,901

For Hammy's first present I gave him a roll of toilet paper to gift ever! Video and aftermath pic to follow... @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat #HappyBdayHammy Instagram @adoptapetcom 10,995

Happy 2nd Birthday Hammy! And Happy 4th of July to you! Here's the very first pic of Ham at home to get this day kicked off. #mustachecat #fbf Instagram @adoptapetcom 13,116

Hammy is getting excited for his birthday tomorrow! @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 2,366

Go USA! #IBelieveThatWeWillWin #worldcup2014 Instagram @adoptapetcom 2,620

Throw the ball already! @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 12,434

Calling all cat video creators, now through 7/21 submit your cat videos at or by using Vine or Instagram with hashtag #TheFriskies and either #Funny, #Rescute, #Epic or #Strange Which video should I use?! #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 5,931

Hammy sets the "rub my belly" trap waiting for an arm to wrestle with... @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 9,287

Hammy is proudly modeling his leg warmer for you... For more pictures and videos of Hamilton check out his (not so) secret page @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 12,030

How you doin... @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 2,859

Who wants to play?! @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 7,440

Hammy had a check up with his surgeon today - he said he is doing very well and is progressing exactly how he had hoped. I'm hoping he starts jumping soon because as of now he is using me as his personal elevator and yells for me every time he wants to go on the couch or the bed. Thanks for the continued support and well wishes! Hammy is well! #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 12,916

House full of toys and Hammy chooses the string... @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 4,596

Good luck Team USA! Sorry I couldn't be out there with you guys today... #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 5,978

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 2,316

Ham x 2 @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat #loveyourself Instagram @adoptapetcom 12,315

Hamilton is now a certified pillow master... See his failed attempts on the @the_mustache_cat account... #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 3,379

Thinking about riding out Monday right here... @the_mustache_cat #mustachecat Instagram @adoptapetcom 9,796

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