Amanda sleeping princess Instagram @mysmammi 52
️Great News️ repost - @animalrevenge *PLEASE SHARE THIS BREAKING NEWS WITH EVERYONE- Justice For #CecilTheLion is happening** (Four news sources confirming INCLUDING ZIM News Channel) Zimbabwe cops just arrested the professional hunter #WalterPalmer hired for his trip to kill #Cecil the Lion. Theo Bronkhorst, the professional hunter who carried out the planning and tracking of Cecil the Lion for Walter Palmer was arrested AGAIN earlier today after he was caught smuggling 29 sable antelope worth $348,000 into South Africa (possibly to Canned Hunting Camps). Originally arrested in August, charged with a failure to prevent an illegal hunt and released on bail with a court date on September 18th. Bronkhorst’s recent illegal act is definitely going to affect his court case in a few days. When will hunters learn. Walter Palmer, the American dentist who paid Theo Bronkhorst, recently returned to his dental practice and is being swarmed by dozens of protesters outside of his office. He is currently escaping charges as the US has not made a move to extradite palmer to Zimbabwe at this time. Update: Our team has conducted some lookup and have confirmed that the ZBC (Zim’s BBC) has confirmed the arrest of the professional hunter. Before you grab your party hat and drinks, the fight is far from over. Walter Palmer still needs to be extradited and animals are being killed every day. If you truly claim to be in this for the long haul, consider taking action and become a member of Cecil’s Pride, start a protest or maybe become a writer with us. We are growing and we will not rest until Palmer is arrested and trophy hunting is illegal everywhere. Original Articles: http://www.news24.com/Africa/Zimbabwe/Zim-cops-arrest-Cecil-hunter-over-sable-smuggling-20150915 http://www.itv.com/news/update/2015-09-15/man-accused-of-leading-cecil-hunt-arrested-for-smuggling/ http://www.zbc.co.zw/news-categories/crime-a-courts/60527-police-arrest-theo-bronkhorst http://www.iol.co.za/news/africa/zim-hunter-in-more-hot-water-1.1916318 Repost from @dp4k.m via @save.big.cats #Regrann Instagram @mysmammi 23
Happy Stalker Friday! #ISeeYou #YouCanRunButYouCantHide @crazyavey Instagram @colonelmeow 537
Ginny's always wanted to look like Voldemort's twin with a moustache, and thanks to this snapchat filter now she can! # #shestilllookssupercute (For more Ginny and these weird snapchat filters my snapchat username is: chessyhope) Instagram @ginny_jrt 3,140
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なみなみ中華風コーンスープ。 . パールホワイトって品種のもろこし湯がいたんだけど、食感が好きじゃなくって、スープの具にしちゃった。 . #ごはん #ご飯 #おうちごはん #料理 #food #cucina #手料理 #チロルのおさら Instagram @7gatti 22
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明日は晴れますように️ ・ ・ #この毛の感じが気持ち悪ひ #眠れないから寝酒 #夕飯後にソファで寝ちゃうからだ #それが気持ちイー #同じ過ちを毎日繰り返す #くだらない深夜番組 #でも嫌いじゃない #おやすみなさい Instagram @naoko1224 1
Loving the new sideboard. Thanks daddy's work. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 295
Say hello to my grand childrens peeps! ️ Instagram @rokuthecat 3,528
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Hiding from the camera. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 256
Cuddles with dad. Instagram @blossomloveslaces 403