おはヤンまんまるmorning️ typhoonくるよー Instagram @yankun_yankun 69

おはようございます♪ 夜中から明け方にかけて強雨でしたけど、お散歩の時は弱くなったので良かったです️ #リラックマ #カッパ隊 可愛いー Instagram @hanarin54 802

#Repost @rescuedogsrocknyc. ・・・ Meet Jewel. She arrived at @rescuedogsrocknyc unable to walk or stand, her temperature was low, below normal and she wouldn't eat on her own. On top of this, she was severely dehydrated and her skin was literally, cracking off of her body. She had to be force fed and it took 24 hours before the vet could get an IV in because there was just nowhere to put it. Jewel is just a puppy; she isn't even a year old. @rescuedogsrocknyc has raised $5900 but Jewel's vet bill is currently $8500, and while she's stable she is still in need of a lot of medical care and attention. Please share Jewel's story or consider donating to help save Jewel. You can donate towards her medical care via paypal donate@rescuedogsrocknyc.org or at rescuedogsrocknyc.org/donate/ (the donation link is in my bio). Like all dogs Jewel deserves a loving forever home, please help her and all the dogs @rescuedogsrocknyc saves get their forever homes. #ADOPT #DOGSAREFAMILY #RESCUE Instagram @ginny_jrt 3,346

・ ・ EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE I'LL BE WATCHING YOU ・ ・ 雨の朝、仲良しのカッパさんと 見つめ合う二人(笑) ・ ・ #photooftheday #dogofthedayjp #dogstagram #sleepy #shibastagram #instagood #love #柴犬 #いぬら部 #ラブラブ #cute #puppy #shibasnap #toyota_dog #rainy #sting #愛は地球を救う Instagram @nyoriri 554

ほにゃらかぺ〜꓆॰꒰˶‾᷄ॢ ⁻̫ ॢ‾᷅˵꒱॰꓆ おはようございます 朝から豪雨で トーちゃんを駅まで送って行っただけで ずぶ濡れになったよ 我が家のトイレのウォシュレットが壊れて トイレの床ずぶ濡れ 水難の相が出ております こんな日は ほにゃらかぺ〜なトト神様にナムナムしておこう 豪雨地方の皆様!お足元にお気をつけ下さい️ トト神様のお言葉.. 『長靴を持っていないなら ビーサンで出勤するのが吉。』 今日のラッキーアイテムは バスタオル。 Instagram @ht0813 239

Keep your friends close and your tennis balls closer. Instagram @ginny_jrt 9,647

昨夜の雨が気になってほとんど眠れなかったてんてんです。お昼寝いっぱいできるといいな。 Instagram @ten3e 66

おはようございます #goodmorning Instagram @ten3e 71

let the sun shine in #humpday #thefoxandthehound Instagram @louisbastian 91

My owner and me Instagram @famousniki 141

She's got your balls. #HappyHumpDay @crazyavey Instagram @colonelmeow 1,765

Crossed eyes www.nalacat.com Instagram @nala_cat 13,689

Грустилка попала Instagram @old_trout 320

Couldn't resist! #TrumpYourCat Instagram @samhaseyebrows 716

hello. Instagram @iamlilbub 8,793

Elton -i see you birdies Instagram @mysmammi 124

さくらただいま〜 そのオモチャ久しぶりにみたなー Instagram @meganemind 20

goodnight, girls #catvideo Instagram @sakuracos 504

Never, ever gonna give u up ️ Instagram @rokuthecat 5,632