Instagram ดารา @aquacat

All my cats are my alter ego. :)

Recently I bought that cat bed. Only Yeho has used it until now, but today I first saw Saero using it. I'm glad Saero loves the bed. :) Instagram @aquacat 913

Thank you all IG friends for your likes and comments during this year. I hope you and your family will be happy and healthy in 2016. All the best for the New Year! :) Instagram @aquacat 1,539

Wenmaan on the Doraemon blanket. :) It's the last day of 2015. I couldn't post for several days because I was busy to finish things which I had been postponing before the end of this year. Hope everyone enjoys the last hours of 2015! Instagram @aquacat 1,347

The duel in Christmas night 😑 Instagram @aquacat 1,772

"Once again Yeho, I don't like that you are alongside me, because I look fat..." "Bro, you don't just look fat, you are just really fat." Instagram @aquacat 1,294

"We wish you all happy and peaceful Christmas time! " Instagram @aquacat 1,920

"The living room is warm and we're stuffed... this is paradise." The scene after dinner. 😑 Instagram @aquacat 1,223

@theplanetsun drew my cats. I have been a big fan of her drawings. I admired this drawing because it shows the personality of my cats very well. Especially, I laughed loud as I saw Saero's expression in the drawing. She drew even Hyang in the frame, I really appreciate her kind heart. This drawing is a great Christmas gift to me. :) Thank you @theplanetsun again! :) Instagram @aquacat 198

"When will you play with me, Aquacat?" Instagram @aquacat 1,101

"Hey, look at me, look at me!" Instagram @aquacat 2,367

I hope Saero boy plays lively like Yeho.😑 Instagram @aquacat 732

Saero is sleeping with his head on Jiwan's tail. Instagram @aquacat 1,512

"Aquacat, you want us to die hungry? Give us our dinner right now!" Please wait with a little more patience. I'm warming the meal for you...😑 Instagram @aquacat 1,210

Afternoon nap on rainy Monday Instagram @aquacat 1,443

"Aquacat, you are holding my treats, right? Gimme quickly!" Instagram @aquacat 1,520

Saero boy, I understand how you feel. But why do you hate me although I don't wear a real fur coat? "Umm... I don't hate you, just don't like you." What's the difference? 😑 @slowspine 님께 넘겨 받은 #동물털옷반대릴레이 입니다. 리얼 모피는 너무 당연한 얘기라 굳이 적지는 않겠고, 우선은 의류에 쓸데없이 달아놓은 라쿤털 장식만이라도 제발 사라졌으면 합니다. 오로지 장식을 위해 달아놓은 그 끔찍한 털 때문에 옷을 고르기가 쉽지 않아요. 지속적으로 항의하고, 구입하지 않는 소비자가 늘어난다면 의류업체도 달라질 수밖에 없겠죠. 구스는 비교적 큰 문제가 없는 줄 알았는데, 살아있는 오리나 거위에게서 잔혹하게 털을 잡아 뜯어 채취한다는 것을 최근 알게 됐습니다. (무서워서 차마 영상은 못 봤습니다.) 제발 윤리적으로 생산하고, 윤리적으로 소비합시다. Instagram @aquacat 776

Yeho, is it a comfortable position? "Yes, more comfortable than you think." Instagram @aquacat 1,415

Wenmaan's half closed eyes. 5 seconds before falling asleep. Instagram @aquacat 1,136

"Sometimes I want to scratch the sofa instead of this scratcher." No, please... 😑 Instagram @aquacat 671

This is a painting of Saero which @niina_pechkovskaya painted. Very beautiful painting and I love so much. I found this 9 weeks after she tagged me. It would be so sad if I couldn't find. Thank you @niina_pechkovskaya again! :) Instagram @aquacat 1,591

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