โพสต์เมื่อ 16 พ.ค. 2558 | 21:19 น.

แคลอรีน นีมะโยธิน
Be the light for someone. Be kind and have a heart and love so big that it shifts the energy in the room.
ของ แคล แคลอรีน

The yummy little @abelandkaleia #LittleSiauw #StankFace #SoSerious #ToddlerCrush #YourYummyMummy; -
#LittleSiauw #YourYummyMummy Stay foolish. Stay hungry. (Figuratively & literally) ; -
Happy Friday .. Be Safe! #TheYummyMummyBackInHeels #HappyFriday #Weekends #GoingUp #JustKidding #InBed #LadiesDontStayOutPastMidnight #Goodnight; -
Big Bird took one for the team #FirstNightOutIn3Years #ThanksMom #DontRemember #DontAsk #OneTimeIsFineWithMe; -
About tonight xx #WeOut #HarvardAndStone #PimSonia;
Summer Goals #TinyBourgeoisies #BeWarned #Summer2015; -
"B*tch please. Your life ain't complete without me yo!" @gemma_peanut ; -
The moment you realize your life is complete. #WayUp #Kobe10s #LikeFatherLikeSon #MyTwoMen #HisFirstRoleModel #TheyDidntPose #ItsNatural #Twinning; -
Hahahaha goodnight guys #DubSmash #DubSmashCouple #WhoAmI; -
Why am I mad? #DubSmash ;
Let your love be so big and pure that it shifts the energy of the universe 💭 #AtTheBu #MalibuBaby; -
m o t h e r h o o d 2 0 1 5 It could've been a whole lot harder without the wedges! ;P Happy Mamas Day to all my fabulous mamas! Stay classy, sassy and yummy! #YourYummyMummy #2YearsYoung #3MonthsOld; -
"Everyday Is Mama's Day" is up on #YourYummyMummy Happy (EARLY) Mamas' Day to all you hard working mamas out there! We daughters of the world appreciate you for everything that you've done. #WhoRunThisWorld Grandma bear wears @lemlemnyc Granddaughter bear wears @twotykes #NewportVibes #TwoTykes #lemlem; -
Meanwhile in Abbot Kinney #AbbotKinney #VeniceBeachVibes #CoolGuy #Gjelina #FuturesBright; -
When Bangkok takes over Abbot Kinney! #MammothOrphans #Gjelina;
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