โพสต์เมื่อ 14 พ.ค. 2558 | 21:01 น.

Brian Joo
K-Pop Entertainer, Fly to the Sky member, Owner of 4TP Fitness: CrossFit 4TP, Owner of Brian & Trianon Floral Cafe & Academy! God is GREAT!
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My favorite nephew, Lincoln, came by to take a ONE DAY CLASS this evening, and he even brought me gluten-free snacks, cause tmrw is Teacher's Day in Korea and he made a floral basket all by himself^^ #lincolnlambert #brianjoo #briantrianon 오늘 링컨이 꽃수업하러왔다갔어용~ 그리고 내일 스승의 날이라 저에게 "글루텐프리" 과자까지~ 링컨 최고!!!; -
내일 05월14일날(목) 저녁 7시에 저와 함께하는... <스승의 날 ONE DAY CLASS> 꽃 수업~ 카네이션 바구니 & 로즈데이 장미! 꼭 전화주세요! 070-7808-3366; -
Awesome work from my team @4tpfitness 오늘 우리 팀 너무 잘했어용^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #community #AppliedFitness #brianjoo; -
And of course CrossFit 4TP, only @4tpfitness~ come check it out everyone! 그리고 절대로 빼놓을 수 없는 CrossFit 4TP! 꼭 구경하러오세요^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP; -
Just made an UNOFFICIAL sample T-Shirt for a rowing competition tmrw, for my @4tpfitness team:) Feels cool:) 우리 박스 샘플 티를 만들어봤어용^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #AppliedFitness #brianjoo;
요즘 내가 늘 사용하는 IRIS EXTRACT ACTIVATING TREATMENT ESSENCE #키엘 #아이러스꽃광에센스 #IRIS_POWER @bma_76 에도 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다^^; -
Hey @missginachoi87 where's the best place to workout in ALL OF SEOUL!! 지나! 서울에서 운동하기 제일 좋은곳은 어디지? @4tpfitness ^^ 02)6925-0909 #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #community #AppliedFitness #seoulstrong; -
Great view from any angle and any floor @4tpfitness ^^ 어디서 봐도 좋은전망?? ㅋㅋ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #community #crossfit #AppliedFitness #seoulstrong; -
Happy Parents Day to all the loving and caring parents of the world~ 행복한 어버이날 되길 바래용^^ 아빠 엄마 사랑해요!! #어버이날 #parentsday #korea; -
Happy Parents Day to all the loving and caring parents of the world~ 행복한 어버이날 되길 바래용^^ 아빠 엄마 사랑해요!! #어버이날 #parentsday #korea;
UPSTAIRS POV~ of @4tpfitness hurry and call now! 02)6925-0909 위층에서 아래로 봤을때 ㅋㅋㅋ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #community #AppliedFitness #seoulstrong; -
UPSTAIRS POV~ of @4tpfitness hurry and call now! 02)6925-0909 위층에서 아래로 봤을때 ㅋㅋㅋ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #community #AppliedFitness #seoulstrong; -
Rain keeping you from running? Not at @4tpfitness ! 비가 내려서 뛰기 불편하신가요? @4tpfitness 에선 가능합니다^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #AppliedFitness #crossfit #community #brianjoo #seoulstrong; -
Wanna learn how to maneuver great pyramids? Then come to @4tpfitness :) 큰 장애물들 넘고싶은가용? @4tpfitness 으로 오세요^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #AppliedFitness #community #brianjoo; -
Wanna learn how to maneuver great pyramids? Then come to @4tpfitness :) 큰 장애물들 넘고싶은가용? @4tpfitness 으로 오세요^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #AppliedFitness #community #brianjoo;
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