โพสต์เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2558 | 21:45 น.

Brian Joo
K-Pop Entertainer, Fly to the Sky member, Owner of 4TP Fitness: CrossFit 4TP, Owner of Brian & Trianon Floral Cafe & Academy! God is GREAT!
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#InstaSize Hey all~ We still have Pre-Sale Spots available so contact us:) 우리 아직 오픈전 메버십자리있으니 지금 바로 연락주세용^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #community #brianjoo #thebrian; -
Getting ready to lead the Kiehl's "Isis Treatment Essence" floral class~ 이제 곧 키엘행사 "아이리스 꽃광 에센스" 플라워클래스 시작^^ #kiehls #briantrianon #brianjoo #thebrian #community #coexmall; -
#Repost @briantrianon with @repostapp. ・・・ 가정의달, 5월을 위한 브뜨만의 특별한 카네이션플라워코사지 그리고 카네이션화분 만들기 -브라이언사장님과함께해요- 5월7일 5월14일 5월19일 저녁 7시:) 070-7808-3366 카카오톡ID:brianandtrianon #가정의달#카네이션바구니#카네이션#청담동꽃집#원데이클레스#brian#briantrianon#trianon#thebrian#브라이언사장님최고#; -
Had a good time at the KT WIZ game, especially with these youngsters wanting to take a pic with me:) #ktwiz #koreanbaseball #philirwin;
Came out to support my homie, Phil Irwin! First time watching him pitch in person!! ROCK it~ KT WIZ!!! 오늘 저랑친한 KT WIZ 선수 '필어윈' 야구경기 구경하러왔어용^^ 화이팅~ #ktwiz #baseball #koreanbaseball #suwon #philirwin #필어윈; -
We, 4TP Fitness: Home of CrossFit 4TP, are on Instagram now! Please "Follow" us and show us support:) Thanks everyone!! 드디어 우리 4TP Fitness 인스타그램 생겼어용~ 꼭 "팔로우" 해주세용^^ #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #crossfit #AppliedFitness #community #rehband #fitnessplayground #brianjoo; -
#Repost @byouent with @repostapp. ・・・ #flytothesky #브라이언 #환희 #brianjoo #vitaminh :) from a magazine photoshoot in Japan, from last November:) #tbt from me to you... And also, I'm BACK IN KOREA:) #seoulstrong; -
Thank you Tokyo for a wonderful time:) Always a pleasure! #onelove #fromtokyotoseoul #kpop #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #japan #nothingbutlove #homesweethome 도쿄! 너무 즐거웠어용^^ 자주 오겠습니다~ 이제 한국으로 고고싱; -
Lol:) Just goofin'off again on the streets of Tokyo~ Had a blast here:) Can't wait to come back! 길거리에서 장난치는 중 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 예전처럼 다시 랩하고싶은 욕심있어용 ㅠ ㅠ #flytothesky #fromseoultotokyo #thebrian #brianjoo #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #community;
This is my daily routine, before I start photoshoots & interviews~ Who needs coffee when you got MUZIK... Lol 아침마다 저는 스케줄전에 하는 일상... 커피는 누가 필요하나? 그냥 음악만있으면되지뭐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #flytothesky #thebrian #arvingcompanylimited #tokyo #dailyroutine #crump #dropitlikeitshot #imcrayallday #brianjoo #4TPfitness #CrossFit4TP #community; -
One Dinner Show done, and one more to go~ Tokyo, you are amazing! 이제 디너쇼 1회끝났고 곧 2회시작합니다^^ 일본 팬여러분 너무 즐거웠어용^^ #flytothesky #플라이투더스카이 #환희 #브라이언 #hwanhee #brianjoo #thebrian #reebok #tokyo; -
#InstaSize Pre-OPEN Memberships have begun! Get on it y'all!! 박스 오픈전 멤버십 받고있습니다!! 여러분~ 지금 바로 연락주십시오^^ #CrossFit4TP #4TPfitness #thebrian #brianjoo #crossfit #community #kpop #seoulstrong #reebok #ryourogue #killcliff #rehband #bjoosbox; -
#InstaSize Pre-OPEN Memberships have begun! Get on it y'all!! 박스 오픈전 멤버십 받고있습니다!! 여러분~ 지금 바로 연락주십시오^^ #CrossFit4TP #4TPfitness #thebrian #brianjoo #crossfit #community #kpop #seoulstrong #reebok #ryourogue #killcliff #rehband #bjoosbox; -
Thank you Tokyo! Love being welcomed this way... LOVE:) 공항에서 반겨주는팬분들때문에 늘 감사합니다^^ #love #spreadlove #fromkoreatojapan #fromseoultotokyo #flytothesky #플라이투더스카이 #환희 #브라이언 #hwanhee #thebrian #brianjoo;
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