โพสต์เมื่อ 4 พ.ค. 2558 | 22:40 น.

จงเบ ปาร์ค (Park Jong Bae)
That "Korean" in Bangkok, Thailand. Contact for Work: +66) 084-614-5914 (Nipitpon) Jongbae.work@gmail.com
ของ จงเบ K-Otic

It was so good, lucky, and honored for me to be a part of #movie #howtowinatcheckers directed by @josh_bkk Even though my scene is short, I'm still happy the first movie I joined has gone internationally! #berlininternationalfilmfestival #berlinale #jeonjuinternationalfilmfestival #jiff #hongkonginternationalfilmfestival #hkiff #베를린국제영화제 #홍콩국제영화제 #전주국제영화제; -
Practice, practice and practice "คงได้ทำให้เธอยิ้ม คงได้บอกคำว่ารักเธอใกล้ๆ คงได้ทำอะไรอีกมากมาย ที่ยังค้างคาใจจากวันนั้น" - ถ้าหาก #koreansingingthaisong #ยังไม่ชัด #55+ @faiy_nitchayakan; -
Congratulation @__tomo___ u finally did it!!; -
The sound of music! @fangfangg good luck!! @__tomo___; -
I N S P I R E B Y T H E D R E A M;
G E T A W A Y in korea 여수밤바다~ 는 아니지만 너무좋다... #여수 #바다 #yeosu; -
Jeonju-wanderer #전주 #전동성당 #jeonju #jeondong #cathedral; -
Wish u all the best with your new movie @fangfangg sorry i couldnt be there but support u all the way! ; -
#나홀로 #전주 #jeonju #alone #hanokvillage #chunam #츄남 p.s. Wish i were here with u all for #jeonjufilmfestival @josh_bkk @akakang @kimbyungmi @open8644; -
남자 둘이 나들이나 갈까? ㅋㅋ @captin_jo;
Seoul-wanderer #seoul #bukchon; -
#sakura in #korea 어쨌든 이번해도 벚꽃봤다 Happy Thai New Year แฮปปีสงกรานต์ #songkran #thainewyear #tny #벚꽃; -
Men in Black in Korea @xan2 @vjmog; -
롱톼임노씨 쏸리 @xan2 #빠르크 #parc #엄마밥상 형 언제와요?? @vjmog; -
Reading over the scripts of #รักแรกของฉัน #mygroomssecret At one of my favorite places in Korea! #bestweather #bestplace #chillmax #fighting;
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