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From supermassive black holes at galactic centers to giant bursts of star formation to titanic collisions between galaxies, Hubble Space Telescope discoveries allow astronomers to probe the current properties of galaxies as well as examine how they formed and developed. Jennifer Wiseman, Senior Project Scientist for the Hubble Space Telescope, talks about her favorite Hubble image of the NGC 1309 spiral galaxy. #Hubble25; -
The keen eye of the Hubble Space Telescope has revealed intricate details of the shapes, structures and histories of galaxies — whether alone, as part of small groups or within vast clusters. Jane Rigby, Astrophysicist at Goddard Space Flight Center, talks about her favorite Hubble image, galaxy cluster RCS2 032727-132623. #Hubble25; -
The Hubble Space Telescope has a major impact in every realm of astronomy, from the solar system to the edge of the universe. Andrea Razzaghi, NASA HQ Astrophysics division deputy director, on why Hubble’s images are important. #Hubble25; -
One of the Hubble Space Telescope’s greatest triumphs has been the clear view it has given of very distant galaxies. Is going to space worth the trouble? Paul Hertz, NASA HQ Astrophysics division director, talks about how Hubble completely changed his mind. #Hubble25; -
Over the last 25 years, Hubble has revealed properties of space and time that for most of human history were only probed in the imaginations of scientists and philosophers alike. Today, Hubble continues to provide views of cosmic wonders never before seen and is at the forefront of many new discoveries. Mike Garcia, NASA Headquarters Hubble Project Scientist, talks about the significance of Hubble. #Hubble25;
Since launching in 1990, Hubble has far exceeded its original science goals and unveiled an even more complex and mysterious universe than once envisioned. It has inspired the world and sparked humanity’s natural curiosity. “We are the Hubble generation, and our world is bigger than our planet.” Debra Wallace, NASA HQ Deputy Project Scientist. #Hubble25; -
The Hubble Space Telescope is one of the most powerful scientific instruments ever conceived. Hubble’s most important discoveries have provided answers to questions that astronomers did not yet know how to ask, and found objects that were not yet imagined. Kate Whitaker, NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, talks about one of Hubble’s greatest achievements. #Hubble25; -
Since launching 25 years ago this month, Hubble has reinvigorated and reshaped our perception of the cosmos and uncovered a universe where almost anything seems possible within the laws of physics. Amber Straughn, Astrophysicist at Goddard Space Flight Center, talks about her favorite Hubble image. #Hubble25; -
Hubble celebrates its 25th Anniversary on April 24! Dr. John Grunsfeld, Astronaut and Assistant Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, speaks on Hubble’s success, thanks to teamwork. #Hubble25; -
Happy Birthday Hubble! This weekend, we’re celebrating some of the stories behind 25 years of the Hubble Space Telescope. The telescope is credited with discovering many distant galaxies, confirming the existence of supermassive black holes in galactic centers, and discovering birthplaces of stars, relaying images almost too mind-boggling to comprehend. NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden piloted the space shuttle Discovery that brought Hubble into orbit 25 years ago. #Hubble25;
Stares into the Crammed Center of Star Cluster: This image shows the center of the globular cluster Messier 22, also known as M22, as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Globular clusters are spherical collections of densely packed stars, relics of the early years of the Universe, with ages of typically 12 to 13 billion years. This is very old considering that the Universe is only 13.8 billion years old. Messier 22 is one of about 150 globular clusters in the Milky Way and at just 10,000 light-years away it is also one of the closest to Earth. It was discovered in 1665 by Abraham Ihle, making it one of the first globulars ever to be discovered. This is not so surprising as it is one of the brightest globular clusters visible from the northern hemisphere, located in the constellation of Sagittarius, close to the Galactic Bulge — the dense mass of stars at the center of the Milky Way. Credit: ESA/Hubble and NASA #nasa #hubble #hst #hubble25 #astronomy #galaxy #stars #science; -
Our Sun Came Late to the Milky Way's Star-Birth Party: Artist's view of night sky from a hypothetical planet within a young Milky Way-like galaxy 10 billion years ago, the sky are ablaze with star birth. Pink clouds of gas harbor newborn stars, and bluish-white, young star clusters litter the landscape. In one of the most comprehensive multi-observatory galaxy surveys yet, astronomers find that galaxies like our Milky Way underwent a stellar "baby boom," churning out stars at a prodigious rate, about 30 times faster than today. Our sun, however, is a late "boomer." The Milky Way's star-birthing frenzy peaked 10 billion years ago, but our sun was late for the party, not forming until roughly 5 billion years ago. By that time the star formation rate in our galaxy had plunged to a trickle. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/Z. Levay (STScI) (artist pic) #nasa #milkyway #space #esa #galaxy #hubble #sun #hubble25 #science; -
Sun Seasons: Our sun is constantly changing. It goes through cycles of activity - swinging between times of relative calm and times when frequent explosions on its surface can fling light, particles and energy out into space. This activity cycle peaks approximately every 11 years. New research shows evidence of a shorter time cycle as well, with activity waxing and waning over the course of about 330 days. Understanding when to expect such bursts of solar activity is crucial to successfully forecast the sun's eruptions, which can drive solar storms at Earth. These space weather events can interfere with satellite electronics, GPS navigation, and radio communications. The quasi-annual variations in space weather seem to be driven by changes in bands of strong magnetic field that are present in each solar hemisphere, Image Credit: NASA #sun #nasa #solar #solarstorm #science #space; -
The artist's concept depicts Kepler-186f , the first validated Earth-size planet to orbit a distant star in the habitable zone-a range of distance from a star where liquid water might pool on the planet's surface. The discovery from April 2014 of Kepler-186f confirms that Earth-size planets exist in the habitable zones of other stars and signals a significant step closer to finding a world similar to Earth. Kepler-186f orbits its star once every 130 days and receives one-third the energy that Earth does from the sun, placing it near the outer edge of the habitable zone. If you could stand on the surface of Kepler-186f, the brightness of its star at high noon would appear as bright as our sun is about an hour before sunset on Earth. Kepler-186f resides in the Kepler-186 system about 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The system is also home to four inner planets, seen lined up in orbit around a host star that is half the size and mass of the sun. Image Credit: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech #nasa #nasabeyond #exoplanet #space #kepler #science; -
Fresh Tiger Stripes on Enceladus: Do underground oceans vent through the tiger stripes (in false-color blue) on Saturn's moon Enceladus? The long features dubbed tiger stripes are known to spew ice from the moon's icy interior into space, creating a cloud of fine ice particles over the moon's south pole and creating Saturn's mysterious E-ring. Why #Enceladus is active remains a mystery, as the neighboring moon Mimas, approximately the same size, appears to be quite dead. An analysis of dust captured by Cassini found evidence for sodium as expected in a deep salty ocean. Such research is particularly interesting since such an ocean would be a candidate to contain life. Conversely however, recent Earth-based observations of ice ejected by Enceladus into Saturn's E-Ring showed no evidence of the expected sodium. Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA Picture from June 2009 is a high resolution Cassini image of Enceladus from a close flyby #nasa #cassini #space #moons #water #nasabeyond#solarsystem #science #astronomy;
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