โพสต์เมื่อ 4 เม.ย 2558 | 23:51 น.

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•• Hello stranger ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ Twitter : @priyanuch Facebook : Aun Priyanuch Asanachinta www.aunfanclub.com
ของ อุ่น ปริยานุช

#goodmood #goodtalk #goodfriend #gooddrink and #goodnight (´ ▽`).o♡ @iam_por; -
::(∩´﹏`∩):: I may hate myself in the morning... #latenightdrink #ifeelgoodnow ️; -
ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ Friends don't let friends do silly things ... alone #selfie #withmygirls #throwbackthursday; -
️️ #กี๊ดกี๊ดกี๊ด #OMG #finallyfoundit #screaming #theoneandonly #peachgirl #saekashiwagi #momoadachi #okayasukairi #kazuyatoujigamori; -
ขยันแง่ะ #keepworking #killingit;
คิดถุงจุงเบ๊ยย; -
Even if you have an iPad, you still can't beat the feel of a book in your hands. #getlost #bookwormmode; -
(*≧▽≦) #icecreamheaven #obsesssed #liveinsingapore #travelisinmyblood; -
Yes, we surely need to exercise more. #vacation #travelisinmyblood #liveinsingapore; -
Start exploring the world #travelisinmyblood #liveinsingapore;
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