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Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have spotted for the first time a distant supernova split into four images. The multiple images of the exploding star are caused by the powerful gravity of a foreground elliptical galaxy embedded in a massive cluster of galaxies. This unique observation will help astronomers refine their estimates of the mass of dark matter in the lensing galaxy and cluster. Dark matter is an invisible form of matter that makes up most of the mass of the universe. The gravity from both the elliptical galaxy and its galaxy cluster distorts and magnifies the light from the supernova behind it in an effect called gravitational lensing. First predicted by Albert Einstein, this effect is similar to a glass lens bending light to magnify and distort the image of an object behind it. The multiple images are arranged around the elliptical galaxy in a cross-shaped pattern, also known an Einstein Cross. The elliptical galaxy and its galaxy cluster, MACS J1149.6+2223, are 5 billion light-years away from Earth. The supernova behind it is 9.3 billion light-years away. The image shows the galaxy's location within a hefty cluster of galaxies called MACS J1149.6+2223. Arrows (inset) point to the multiple copies of Supernova Refsdal. The four images were spotted on Nov. 11, 2014. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/UCLA; -
Free Fall in the Zero G Mechanical Engineering Technician Alex Camargo retrieves a drop vehicle after its 432-foot free fall in NASA Glenn’s Zero Gravity Research Facility. The drop vehicle, which weighs about 2000 lbs., contains hardware for the Saffire experiment, which is being developed to study how fires behave in spacecraft in microgravity. The Zero-G research team was verifying the ignition system design. Microgravity, a condition of relative near weightlessness, can only be achieved on Earth by putting an object in a state of free fall. In the Zero-G, low gravity is achieved for 5.18 seconds as the drop vehicle falls inside a 470 ft. long vacuum chamber. Image Credit: NASA Acknowledgment: Bridget R. Caswell and Mark Grills (Wyle Information Systems, LLC); -
Moon Set from Space: Astronaut Terry Virts posted this video and wrote, 'Full #moon setting over Hokkaido and Vladivostok.' Virts and #ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti were in the U.S. Quest airlock yesterday conducting airflow monitor tests, measurements and calibrations. The tests were part of the Airway Monitoring experiment that is looking for possible indicators of airway inflammation in astronauts during spaceflight. Credit: NASA #nasa #space #iss #spacestation #moon #exp42 #astronauts; -
Hubble Sees a Young Star Take Center Stage With its helical appearance resembling a snail’s shell, this reflection nebula seems to spiral out from a luminous central star in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image. The star in the center, known as V1331 Cyg and located in the dark cloud LDN 981 — or, more commonly, Lynds 981 — had previously been defined as a T Tauri star. A T Tauri is a young star — or Young Stellar Object — that is starting to contract to become a main sequence star similar to the sun. What makes V1331Cyg special is the fact that we look almost exactly at one of its poles. Usually, the view of a young star is obscured by the dust from the circumstellar disc and the envelope that surround it. However, with V1331Cyg we are actually looking in the exact direction of a jet driven by the star that is clearing the dust and giving us this magnificent view. This view provides an almost undisturbed view of the star and its immediate surroundings allowing astronomers to study it in greater detail and look for features that might suggest the formation of a very low-mass object in the outer circumstellar disk. Image credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA. Acknowledgement: Karl Stapelfeldt (GSFC), B. Stecklum and A. Choudhary (Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany); -
NASA's Dawn spacecraft has become the first mission to achieve orbit around a dwarf planet. The spacecraft was approximately 38,000 miles (61,000) kilometers from Ceres when it was captured by the dwarf planet’s gravity at about 4:39 a.m. PST (7:39 a.m. EST) Friday. Mission controllers at our Jet Propulsion Laboratory received a signal from the spacecraft at 5:36 a.m. PST (8:36 a.m. EST) that Dawn was healthy and thrusting with its ion engine, the indicator Dawn had entered orbit as planned. Ceres is seen here from Dawn on March 1, just a few days before the mission achieved orbit around the previously unexplored dwarf planet. The image was taken at a distance of about 30,000 miles (about 48,000 kilometers). Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA;
Three seconds. That’s all it took for the attitude control motor of NASA’s Orion Launch Abort System (LAS) to prove that its material can survive not only the intense temperatures, pressures, noise and vibrations experienced during a launch emergency but also 40 percent beyond. The LAS is being designed to bring a crew to safety should there be a problem in the launch pad or during ascent. Video of a March 4 test of Orion’s LAS attitude control motor . Image Credit: Orbital ATK #nasa #orbital #atk #lockheedmartine #orbitalatk #orion #journeytomars #test #launch; -
Astronaut Scott Kelly is seen inside a Soyuz simulator at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC), Wednesday, March 4, 2105 in Star City, Russia. Kelly, along with Expedition 43 Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), and Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka of Roscosmos were at GCTC for the second day of qualification exams in preparation for their launch to the International Space Station onboard a Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:42 p.m. EST on March 27. As the one-year crew, Kelly and Kornienko will return to Earth on Soyuz TMA-18M in March 2016. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls) #nasa #iss #yearinspace #iss1years #spacestation #science; -
Using our Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have found that the growth of galaxies, including Abell 2597 shown here, containing supermassive black holes can be slowed down by a phenomenon referred to as cosmic precipitation. Cosmic precipitation is not a weather event, as we commonly associate the word -- rain, sleet, or snow. Rather, it is a mechanism that allows hot gas to produce showers of cool gas clouds that fall into a galaxy. Researchers have analyzed X-rays from more than 200 galaxy clusters, and believe that this gaseous precipitation is key to understanding how giant black holes affect the growth of galaxies. Image Credit: NASA/CXC/DSS/Magellan #nasa #chandra #xray #telescope #galaxy #astronomy #space #blackhole #science; -
Hawaii from Space! From the International Space Station, European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti took this photograph of the island of Hawaii and posted it to social media on Feb. 28, 2015. Cristoforetti tweeted, "And suddenly as we flew over the Pacific... the island of #Hawaii with its volcanoes! #HelloEarth" Crew members on the space station photograph the Earth from their unique point of view located 200 miles above the surface as part of the Crew Earth Observations program. Photographs record how the planet is changing over time, from human-caused changes like urban growth and reservoir construction, to natural dynamic events such as hurricanes, floods and volcanic eruptions. Astronauts have used hand-held cameras to photograph the Earth for more than 40 years, beginning with the Mercury missions in the early 1960s. The ISS maintains an altitude between 220 - 286 miles (354 - 460 km) above the Earth, and an orbital inclination of 51.6˚, providing an excellent stage for observing most populated areas of the world. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/Samantha Cristoforetti #nasa #esa #space #iss #spacestation; -
Today, NASA celebrates 100 years since the founding of its predecessor -- the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA. With a small budget and no paid staff, the NACA began developing the capabilities our nation needed to gain leadership in aeronautics. Throughout and beyond World War II, the NACA developed or helped develop many aeronautical breakthroughs that are still used today. The NACA Spirit Captured, 1945: In this 1945 photo, test pilots (from left) Mel Gough, Herb Hoover, Jack Reeder, Steve Cavallo and Bill Gray stand in front of a P-47 Thunderbolt. The photo was taken at the then-named Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, which was a research facility for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or the NACA. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #naca #naca100 #anniversary #birthday #space #aeronautics #science #technology #flynasa;
This artist's concept illustrates the Milky Way galaxy. Living on the Edge: Stars Found Far from Galaxy Center: Astronomers using data from our Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, have found a cluster of stars forming at the very edge of our Milky Way galaxy. The newfound young star clusters lie thousands of light-years below the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, a flat spiral disk seen in this artist's conception. If alien lifeforms were to develop on planets orbiting these stars, they would have views of a portion, or all, of the galactic disk. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech (artist concept) #nasa #galaxy #space #wise #astronomy #milkyway #science; -
Spacewalk Trilogy Complete! NASA astronauts Terry Virts and Barry Wilmore (in this photo) ended their spacewalk at 12:30 p.m. EST today. Virts and Wilmore completed installing 400 feet of cable and several antennas associated with the Common Communications for Visiting Vehicles system known as C2V2. Boeing's Crew Transportation System (CST)-100 and the SpaceX Crew Dragon will use the system in the coming years to rendezvous with the orbital laboratory and deliver crews to the space station. They completed one additional task to retrieve a bag to cover equipment on the outside of the station. Photo Credit: NASA #nasa #astrobutch #nasajsc #spacestation #internationalspacestation #explore #exploration #photography #ISS #Exp42 #USEVA31 #spectacular #aweinspiring #space 5A9E4083-7546-4995-97F1-67F09C0F9E25; -
Astronaut Terry Virts captured this photo from the International Space Station flying over Boston, where Leonard Nimoy was born. Image Credit: NASA #RIPLeonardNimoy #startrek #leonardnimoy #space #nasa #iss #astronauts #spacestation #boston; -
Dusty Galaxy, Home to an Exploding Star: The galaxy pictured here is NGC 4424, located in the constellation of Virgo, about 50 million light years from Earth. It is not visible with the naked eye but has been captured here with the Hubble Space Telescope. Although it may not be obvious from this image, NGC 4424 is in fact a spiral galaxy. In this image it is seen more or less edge on, but from above, you would be able to see the arms of the galaxy wrapping around its center to give the characteristic spiral form. In 2012, astronomers observed a supernova in NGC 4424 - a violent explosion marking the end of a star's life. During a supernova explosion, a single star can often outshine an entire galaxy. However, the supernova in NGC 4424, dubbed SN 2012cg, cannot be seen here as the image was taken ten years prior to the explosion. Along the central region of the galaxy, clouds of dust block the light from distant stars and create dark patches. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Gilles Chapdelaine #hubble #nasa #astronomy #space #hst #hubble25 #galaxy #star #supernova #science; -
An Intriguing Member of Black Hole Family Tree: A newly discovered cosmic object may help provide answers to some long-standing questions about how black holes evolve and influence their surroundings, according to a new study using our Chandra X-ray Observatory. Astronomers have been looking very hard for these medium-sized black holes. This object, NGC2276-3c, has traits similar to both stellar-mass black holes and supermassive black holes. In other words, this object helps tie the whole black hole family together. Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/M.Mezcua et al & NASA/CXC/INAF/A.Wolter #nasa #space #chandra #astronomy #xray #blackhole #science;
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