โพสต์เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2558 | 05:06 น.

Kevin U-Kiss (Kevin Woo)
I'm the real Kevin from U-KISS follow me on Twitter @kevinwoo91
ของ เควิน U-Kiss

오늘 키스미 덕분에 몸보신 너무 잘했어요!!! 삼계탕 너무 잘 먹었습니다! 영양 굿! 맛도 굿굿!! 케브리엘 감사합니당︎ Thank you for the delicious meal KISSme! Kevriel JJANG! 今日はKevrielからサムゲタンを準備してくれました!本当にありがとう!ごちそうさまでした〜 #유키스 #놀이터 #ukiss #UKISSPLAYGROUND; -
UKISS!! ASC!!! Right now!!!; -
CHECK OUT OUR NEW MV 'Playground'! 저희 신곡 '놀이터' 뮤비 공개 됐어요!^^ 많은 응원 부탁드립니다!^^ 'Playground'のPVご覧ください〜 たくさん応援してください! #UKISSPLAYGROUND #UKISS #유키스 #놀이터 #Always #KISSME http://youtu.be/4kVwaXys8WQ; -
U-KISS comeback D-1!!!; -
U-KISS Comeback D-2 #ukiss #comeback #10thminialbum #always #kissme #whosexcited;
♪♪생일축하합니다~~~~~ 사랑하는 우리 기섭이~~~ 생일축하합니다!!!♪♪ 정말로 생일 축하한다 친구야! 사랑해︎ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ HAPPY BIRTHDAY KISEOP!!!! 今日はUーKISSの天使キソプのお誕生日〜〜!おめでとう︎ #Happy25thKISEOPday #happybirthday #weloveyou; -
Check out our pre-release song called 'Smart Love' from our 10th mini album 'Always'! 선공개 곡 'Smart Love' 많이 듣고계시죠?? 곧 컴백 하니까 설레인다! 키스미 빨리 보고싶어요~ 'Smart Love'が今日リリースしました!たくさん聞いてくださいね!カムバック楽しみ! #ukiss #comeback #10thminialbum #always #cantwaitforourcomeback; -
U-KISS 10th mini album Coming soon 유키스 컴백 커밍쑨! U-KISSカムバック!楽しみ #ukiss #comeback #10thminialbum; -
매주 월요일 밤 10시 부터 려욱형과 함께 하는 KBS-R "슈퍼주니어의 키스더라디오- Language And The City" 여러분의 잉글리쉬쌤입니다! ㅎㅎ 많이 들어주세요!^^ Make sure to tune in to KBS-R "Super Junior's Kiss The Radio" at 10PM KST every Monday! I'll be your English teacher :); -
@eatyourkimchi @realericnam @jamiepark at Arirang ASC studio *rawr*;
@eatyourkimchi @realericnam @jamiepark at Arirang ASC studio!; -
♪And I know and I know and I know~~♪ #imnottheonlyone #samsmith #garageband #lovethissong #goodnight #to #kissme; -
♪You say I'm crazy~~♪ #imnottheonlyone #samsmith #garageband #lovethissong #goodnight #to #kissme; -
♪You and me we made a vow~~♪ #imnottheonlyone #samsmith #garageband #lovethissong #goodnight #to #kissme; -
Reached 100k followers on Instagram! 벌써 인스타그램 십만 팔로우수가 넘었어요! もうインスタグラム100,000フォローこえました! THANK YOU︎ #followkevinoninstagram #justsaying #hehehe #keepwarm #옷_따뜻하게_입어여 #감기_걸리면_혼낼거야 #かぜ気をつけね #かぜひいたらおこるよ;
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