@ginny_jrt : REPOST FROM @cyprusdogs -- "Blue is a pointer, Labrador cross. About seven months old and will be of medium size when he is fully grown. Again we are having trouble rehoming Blue due to the colour of his eyes. He's a wonderful boy, desperate for attention and love, and he whines a lot too. He just looks sad all the time but it's clear that he will make a lovely companion. Both Pointers and Labradors are more affectionate than many other breeds and he has genetics from both in his make up. He's able to fly to anywhere in Europe and we are hoping to find his forever hope as soon as we can. Message me for more information " -- Please message @cyprusdogs if you would like more info on Blue. Hopefully he can find a loving forever home very soon. #ADOPTDONTSHOP #DOGSAREFAMILY
โพสต์เมื่อ 29 ธ.ค. 2557 | 05:50 น.
Instagram ดารา @ginny_jrt ginny_jrt Ginny is Jack Russell from the UK, a connoisseur of naps & treats & an expert in hugs. Support your local animal shelters & ADOPT, don't shop!