โพสต์เมื่อ 11 พ.ย. 2557 | 10:45 น.

Kevin U-Kiss (Kevin Woo)
I'm the real Kevin from U-KISS follow me on Twitter @kevinwoo91
ของ เควิน U-Kiss

#acaibowl #yummmm; -
잘자 키스미...내 하트를 받아라!^^ Good night KISSme<3 いい夢見てねキスミ〜おやすみ #goodnightkisstokissme #sweetdreams; -
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I <3 Korean food 아이 럽 한식~~ 콩나물 비빔밥 + 육개장 + 한우 떡갈비 @ 의기투합 in 청담 #nomnom #koreanfood; -
Supporting @btobpeniel at BTOB's first concert in Seoul w/ @aeyo @realericnam Congrats Penoodles!!!!;
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 해피 할로윈~~~ 즐겁고 안전 할로윈 보내세요^^ 좀비가면 정말 리얼 하죠 ㅎㅎ ハッピーハロウィン〜!楽しいハロウィンを過ごしてね!日本でこのマスクを使ってみました〜zombieケビン怖いですね〜 Have a safe and fun Halloween everyone! Sick mask huh? I get creeped out looking at this pic haha #happyhalloween #trickortreat; -
#버나드박 싸인씨디! 활동 열심히하세요~ 어머니가 팬인데 좋아 하시겠다 ㅋㅋㅋ Signed CD from KPOP Star winner #bernardpark Very talented and down to earth. I'm sure my mom will enjoy this album too :) #beforetherain; -
Biking adventure with my Dad! Happy Birthday DAD! #likefatherlikeson #bondingtime #autumnisbeautiful #electricbike; -
キスミ大好き またねん〜! HALLOWEEN EVENT IN TOKYO #ukiss #kissme #halloween; -
Halloween event w/ KISSme in Tokyo! What are you guys gonna dress up as next week?^^ ケビンパイアです キスミありがとう〜 케빈파이어를 위해 오랜만에 컬러 렌즈 꼈네 ㅎㅎ #ukiss #kevin #halloween #kevinpire #haventworncolorcontactsinyears;
Before going live on ASC w/ @realericnam #forthefans #erics19+costume #kevriel #asc; -
Also went to support @realericnam and @esna tonight at the Jeff Bernat concert! Good job guys~~~~ you guys were amazing :) #keric #ericnam #kevin #esna #jeffbernat; -
제프 버넷 콘서트 in Seoul! 목소리 진짜 좋다~ Went to see Jeff Bernat's last show in Seoul tonight! Super talented :) ♪Can I call you my everything call you my baby~~~~♪ #jeffbernat #concert #제프버넷 #ukiss #kevin; -
HUGE Rubber Duck!!! 러버덕러버덕~ 귀여워 ㅎㅎ かわいい! #rubberduck #quackquack #amidreaming #duckinvasion; -
Suit&Tie well...minus the tie =P #fresh #ukiss #kevin #haveaniceweekend;
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