โพสต์เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2557 | 03:38 น.

Ginny is Jack Russell from the UK, a connoisseur of naps & treats & an expert in hugs. Support your local animal shelters & ADOPT, don't shop!
ของ ginny_jrt

I think Ginny went on my computer and googled bacon, she's all googly eyed! #fbf; -
It's Ginny's most favourite day of the week tomorrow, so she's celebrating with a "Ginny special", which is basically just 2 bacontinis instead of 1. #classy; -
This is heartbreaking, Manchester Dog's Home in the UK was set on fire today with 43 dogs confirmed dead. Manchester Dog's Home was established in 1893 and has provided shelter for over 1 million dogs. If you live in the Manchester area please visit the scene with donations of dog food, blankets or crates to help take the dogs that survived to a temporary shelter, many people are doing this already but the dog's home will need a lot of donations like this as they've already lost so much in this fire. The Manchester Dog's Home has a justgiving.com page too where they accept donations, they will need all the help they can get now so please check them out there on www.justgiving.com/dogshome (the link is in my bio).; -
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Here's Ginny going through all the great gifts @thecutestdogever sent to her! She keeps going back to the envelope the gifts came in to see if she's missed anything ;
Ginny got this awesome hat and some amazing presents from the wonderful @thecutestdogever today! Thanks to this hat Ginny can go out in the chilly weather and save all the sticks she finds, and also pink is soooo her colour, she says it really brings out her eyes. Thank you so much @thecutestdogever for your thoughtful presents, Ginny and I love them!; -
Ginny got this awesome hat and some amazing presents from the wonderful @thecutestdogever today! Thanks to this hat Ginny can go out in the chilly weather and save all the sticks she finds, and also pink is soooo her colour, she says it really brings out her eyes. Thank you so much @thecutestdogever for your thoughtful presents, Ginny and I love them!; -
Ginny's very dedicated to the snug life.; -
I went through some old Ginny photos and found this one from 2 years ago. I can't tell if Ginny's judging my snowman making skills or getting ready to steal the snowmans stick arms.; -
"Humans are only good for 3 things: food, paw massages and more food." #Ginnyisms;
The weather's so good here today Ginny decided to have a nap/soak up some sunshine outside in the garden. She woke up with this awesome fur style #flawless; -
Sometimes Ginny falls asleep normally in her bed, but most of the time she falls asleep looking like this. We were tagged by our good friend the adorable @changothehandsomepittie to post the most recent photo on my camera roll, and this is it. I took this photo 30 minutes ago and the only difference between 30 minutes ago and now is that Ginny's currently drooling a lot more right now, apart from that she hasn't moved an inch.; -
This is the last photo I got before my camera was paw slapped away so Ginny could get to the treat behind me. Ginny doesn't let anything get in the way when she wants a treat.; -
Ginny's comfort level is off the charts right here! #GinnyLive #ShesDroolingEverywhere; -
This is Phoenix. He was found in this condition in the Redlands area in Miami. Phoenix desesperately needs our help. Please consider donating/sharing his information to help him get the medical care he so urgently needs. Donations can be made via the website of the rescue organisation that is now helping care for Phoenix, their website is: www.100plusabandoneddogsofevergladesflorida.org/ (a link to their website is in my bio, click it and then go to their donations page) or by sending a cheque to the rescue group themselves at: 100 Plus Animal Rescue Inc. 300 E Oakland Park Blvd #401 Wilton Manors, FL 33334 US. It's sickening that animals are still being abused and abandoned in conditions like this. A dog is for life, they deserve unconditional love and a forever home.;
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