โพสต์เมื่อ 24 ส.ค 2557 | 22:33 น.

ชินดงกึน Shin Donggeun
Twitter: @penielshin Snapchat: btobpeniel
ของ พีเนียล BtoB

Wake up!!! Sleepy head!!! WAKE UP!!!... Ok... Just sleep.... Recording session with sleeping Changsub lol #naptime #loudmusicisntbotheringhim #thatscrazy #howishesleepingwiththemusicplayingthisloud 일어나요!! 형!!! 일어나!!! 형!!!!! 알겠어요.. 그냥 자... #잠꾸러기창섭이형 이랑 녹음중 ㅋㅋㅋ #낮잠 #노래이렇게크게틀었는데어떻게자지 ? #신기해 #대단하다; -
@therealkairos is offering classes at Kairos Recording Studios in LA! If you ever wanted to learn how to make music and become a producer/songwriter one day, go sign up at www.kairosmusicgroup.com/classes Availability is limited! #KMG #FromWriteHear #futureproducer; -
Got nominated by @realericnam for the #icebucketchallenge #alsicebucketchallenge I nominate @goodandbrad @therealkairos @romecclown I was gonna nominate @jennnnnnx3 but you're pregnant...lol you guys got 24 hours!!! #donate! @realericnam 이 저를 #icebucketchallenge #alsicebucketchallenge 으로 지명했습니다! 저는 @goodandbrad @therealkairos 하고 @romecclown 을 지명합니다!! @jennnnnnx3 하려고했는데 임신해서... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 24시간 남았습니다!!!; -
Thanks for the support though~ we'll work our hardest to show you an improved BTOB 그래도 응원해줘서 고마워요~ 더 멋진모습 보여디리려고 노력하겠습니다; -
Fell asleep while watching baseball hahahah @btob_2mh #youwatchingornot ?! #lookatthatmosquitobite #youseemtired #naptime #restup ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 야구보다가잠들었어 @btob_2mh #보는거야마는거야 ?! #모기물린거봐 #피곤한가보네 #낮잠 #잘쉬어요;
Congrats to my brother in law @therealkairos for signing with @warnerchappellmusic #regram #itsofficial #ohsnap #itsgoingdownnow #timeforsomeseriousbusiness #timetomakebeautifulmusic #eargasm #producer #songwriter; -
Sister looks like my mom and I look like my dad... No? Just me? We do right? #dontdenyit #deepdownisideyouguysallknowwedo #Dontlietoyourself #parentslookawesomethough #theywereprobablyinthepopularcrowd #lookatmymomssmile #anydadsfiercegaze 누나는 엄마닮고 난 아빠 닮지않았어요?! 아닌가? 맞죠?! #맞잖아요 #아니라하지마요 #자신한테거짓말하지마요 #부모님짱 #둘다인기많았겠다 #엄마미소봐봐 #아빠카리스마표정도 #짱; -
Just had some #potbingsoo with @romecclown and #Dabin ! #canyouguystell ? #ourteethdontlie #smile #realgangsters #justkidding #ilookweirdinthispic; -
First time doing a show with @yerinb ! I think... Right? It was nice seeing you again! ^^ 예린이랑 방송하는건 처음인것같다! 아닌가?? ㅋㅋㅋ 반가웠어!!!; -
Hyuna's back with #빨개요 ! Check the mv out and make sure you listen to the track as well!! 현아누나 #빨개요 로 컴백!!! 뮤비도보고 음원도 들어주세요~~ !;
이 오빠 이상해 part 2 This oppa is weird part 2; -
이 오빠 이상해 part 1 This oppa is weird part 1; -
Sungjae is watching a song for you ! Are ya'll watching?! 성재는 어송포유 본방사수중인데.. 다들 보고있죠?!; -
Time to go to 안동~ see you soon! #itsnotarollercoaster #iteasanelevator #didyouguysgetfooled #4hourcarride #goodnight 안동으로 출발~~~ 곧봐요! #놀이기구아니었어요 #엘레베이터였어요 #속았지 ? #4시간걸린데 #좀잘게요; -
Couldn't fall asleep so I ordered this #tranquilturtle cuz supposedly it's supposed to help! #callmelame #stillwantedthatwavespoutingturtle #immasleeplikeababynow #cloud_b 잠이안와서 이 거북이 샀어.. 잠잘오게한데.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #바보라고불러 #그래도파도뿜눈거북이사고싶었어 #난이제애기처럼잘거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ;
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