@ginny_jrt : "Wear that thing? But it doesn't go with my hairstyle human!" -- Ginny's not impressed with her anti stitch itching device the vet gave her, but it beats the cone of shame. She's not been up to much, shock set in and the meds are wearing off so she's been very nervous about every little movement and needing a lot of reassuring/cuddles (I'm more than happy to cuddle this little munchkin for hours though) but I was expecting this all. She can start the rounds of medication her vet prescribed tomorrow morning but until then she's gonna have a lot of cuddles and hopefully calm down enough to sleep well tonight. After a lot of rest and love she'll be back to defending the world's supply of bacon and begging for food in no time! I'll treat her like a little Queen! Thank you again for everything you guys, if we could we'd hug you all See you all tomorrow.
โพสต์เมื่อ 22 ส.ค 2557 | 04:07 น.
Instagram ดารา @ginny_jrt ginny_jrt Ginny is Jack Russell from the UK, a connoisseur of naps & treats & an expert in hugs. Support your local animal shelters & ADOPT, don't shop!