โพสต์เมื่อ 29 ก.ค. 2557 | 00:29 น.

Brian Joo
K-Pop Entertainer, Fly to the Sky member, Owner of 4TP Fitness: CrossFit 4TP, Owner of Brian & Trianon Floral Cafe & Academy! God is GREAT!
ของ ไบรอัน จู

Chillin' at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games... Fun times #crossfit #crossfitgames #ericcarmody #kstar with @ericcarmody & @mobilitywod; -
At the airport & all ready to head to LA for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games~ Please pray for our flight to be safe & smooth! #crossfit #flytothesky #vacation; -
On my way to the airport;) Heading to LA for the last day of the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games! 지금 이제 곧 이천공항 도착~ 2014 리복크로스핏개임스 보러가니... 신난다 ㅋ #crossfit #reebok #reebokcrossfitgames gonna see @ericcarmody @jameshobart @amalleolo @mobilitywod @carlpaoli @kendrickjfarris and many more; -
Finally, variety of coconut water and GLUTEN FREE snacks in Korea:) YES! 드디어 이제 우리나라도 다양한 코코넛워터랑 '글루텐' 없는 스넥들 판매하니... 즐거워졌다 ㅋㅋㅋ #glutenfree #crossfit #crossfitinkorea #seoulstrong; -
We're in PUSAN! Get ready for tmrw night's concert y'all!! 드디어 우리 #플라이투더스카이 부산 내려왔습니다^^ 내일 콘서트 가대되는데 ㅋㅋ #환희 #브라이언 #continuum;
Waiting eagerly for the 2014 @reebok CrossFit Games to watch my boys, @ericcarmody @jameshobart and my team @brickcrossfit Excited #crossfitgames; -
Love my fans SO MUCH!! 전 우리 팬들이 최고입니당... 완전 사랑해요^^; -
TBSeFM what's poppin' OPEN STUDIO... Gotta love the fans for coming out to show support with @punitabajaj and Elmo Chong; -
Korea!! Still curious about crossfit? Come to IFC MALL, Right Now! 아직까지 Crossfit 궁금하신분들~ 지금 여의도 IFC몰로 오세용^^ #crossfit #crossfitinkorea #seoul #sentinelifc; -
Thanks to our FANS for providing all of our staff with delicious snacks and coffee during our @3rdwavemusic music video shoot today~ 오늘 저희 '써드웨이브' 뮤비촬영하는장소에 맛난음식과 커피 사다주신 우리 팬들~ 최고!!!;
#InstaSize On set for our new music video... Pastor Johnny, Hope, and myself:); -
주혁아~ 오늘 형 콘서트와줘서 넘넘 고마웠어^^ guess who came to see my concert today? Lol #jtbc #학교다녀오겠습니다; -
Thought they said FLY TO THE SKY... Lol...; -
#Repost from @jarettp with @repostapp come on y'all~ show my man, JP, some luv & follow him on instagram #bricknation --- Sadly I have reached Insta-Desperation in an attempt to acquire followers. Yes, I am objectifying my managers in hopes of personal gain. No I am not proud however....ya got to do what ya got to do to WIN!!! Ps. I said I would not post of me in sports bra and booty shorts. Never did I say of others. #JPforthewin @brickcrossfit #BricNation #brickcrossfit @madelinemosier @rawrrra #crossfit #bootyshorts #roadto5k; -
#Repost from @cfclintdoodx with @repostapp great time training today at @sentinel_korea ... #brothersfromothermothers #crossfit #community Great day of training! #crossfit #fitness #killcliff #fitaid #crossfitinkorea #roguefitness #reebokcrossfit @brianjoomuzik @foornation;
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