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Peering through the layers: This collage of images shows an active region on the Sun taken at almost the same time in extreme ultraviolet light by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory on July 24, 2014 at about 17:56 UTC. The layers are arranged clockwise from the upper left by temperature of plasma being imaged. This arrangement also correlates with the distance above the Sun's surface, going from lowest to highest. Different features of the active region appear quite differently in the four images: each one helps to provide scientists with more information about the Sun's processes. Image Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory #nasa #sdo #space #sun #sunshine #ultraviolet #uvlight #uv; -
The six-person Expedition 40 crew wrapped up a productive week of cargo vehicle traffic and science aboard the International Space Station with more medical studies, physics and robotics on Friday. Meanwhile, preparations continue for the launch of another station resupply vehicle next week. Seen here is one of the more spectacular scenes of the Aurora Borealis that was photographed by one of the space station crew members aboard the International Space Station from an altitude of approximately 223 nautical miles. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #space #iss #exp40 #aurora #astronautpictures #astropics #astropix; -
The Sunshield on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is the largest part of the observatory—five layers of thin membrane that must unfurl reliably in space to precise tolerances. Last week, for the first time, engineers stacked and unfurled a full-sized test unit of the Sunshield and it worked perfectly. The Sunshield is about the length of a tennis court, and will be folded up like an umbrella around the Webb telescope’s mirrors and instruments during launch. Once it reaches its orbit, the Webb telescope will receive a command from Earth to unfold, and separate the Sunshield's five layers into their precisely stacked arrangement with its kite-like shape. Photo Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn #nasa #jwst #nasawebb #webbtelescope #sunshield #space #telescope; -
Comet C/2013 UQ4 (Catalina) has been observed by NASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) spacecraft just one day after passing through its closest approach to the sun. The comet is seen glowing brightly in infrared wavelengths on July 7, 2014, with a dust tail streaking more than 62,000 miles (100,000 kilometers) across the sky. Its spectacular activity is driven by the vaporization of ice that has been preserved from the time of planet formation 4.5 billion years ago. C/2013 UQ4 takes more than 450 years to orbit the sun once and spends most of its time far away at very low temperatures. Its orbit is also retrograde, which means that the comet moves around the sun in the opposite direction to the planets and asteroids. The comet was originally thought to be an asteroid, as it appeared inactive when discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on October 23, 2013. NEOWISE also observed the comet to be inactive on New Year's Eve, 2013, but since then the comet has become highly active, allowing astronomers around the world to observe it. The comet's activity should decline as it once again returns to the cold recesses of space. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech #nasa #neowise #comet #asteroid #infrared #stars #space; -
As seen on @CBSThisMorning, which is posting some of our images this week: Four #astronauts are living 62 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean for nine days this summer. The crew members of the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) 18 project, which began Monday, July 21, will test technologies and training techniques for use aboard the International Space Station and long-duration #exploration missions. Mission objectives focus on behavioral health and performance, human health issues, and habitability. Seen here is Jeanette Epps diving during a simulated spacewalk using the core drill. A drill like this could be used on other planetary surfaces to collect core samples. #NEEMO is helping test techniques that pave the #PathToMars as part of #NASA's #NextGiantLeap -- sending astronauts to the Red Planet. Image Credit: NASA #ISS #AstronautTraining;
45 years ago now: #Apollo11 splashes down bringing Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin & Michael Collins home to Earth. This past weekend marks 45 years ago that Neil Armstrong took the small step onto the surface of the moon that changed the course of history. The years that followed saw a Space Age of scientific, technological and human research, on which we have built the modern era. We stand on a new horizon, poised to take the next giant leap—deeper into the solar system. The Apollo missions blazed a path for human exploration to the moon and today we are extending that path to near-Earth asteroids, Mars and beyond. Learn about our #NextGiantLeap: http://www.nasa.gov/nextgiantleap/; -
As seen on @CBSThisMorning, which is posting some of our images this week - Earth. Aboard the International Space Station, astronaut Reid Wiseman photographed this image and wrote, “Thin silver polar #mesospheric clouds. The beauty from up here far exceeds the camera's ability to capture it.” Every day on the space station, scientific research is being conducted to prepare astronauts to venture farther into the solar system than ever before and provide real benefits to life on Earth. The station is the largest human-made object ever to orbit the Earth. It is so large that it can be seen drifting overhead with the unaided eye, and is frequently imaged from the ground in picturesque fashion. You can sign up for alerts when the space station will be flying over you by visiting: http://www.spotthestation.nasa.gov The station is helping pave the path to Mars for our next giant leap -- sending astronauts to the Red Planet. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #space #astronauts #iss #spacestation #pathtomars #nextgiantleap; -
The Expedition 40 crew of the International Space Station is working through a packed agenda of science Wednesday and preparing for the late-night arrival of a Russian cargo craft set to launch in the afternoon. The station also conducted a “deboost” Wednesday morning to steer clear of some space debris. Astronaut Reid Wiseman, currently living and working on the International Space Station, shared this image of the Earth on Wednesday afternoon tweeting "my oh my" with this stunning view of our home planet. Image credit: NASA #exp40 #iss #nasa #space #spacestation #earth #earthpics #earthpix; -
Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary! New image: 3C58 is the remnant of a supernova observed in the year 1181 AD by Chinese and Japanese astronomers. This new Chandra image shows the center of 3C58, which contains a rapidly spinning neutron star surrounded by a thick ring, or torus, of X-ray emission. The pulsar also has produced jets of X-rays blasting away from it to both the left and right, and extending trillions of miles. These jets are responsible for creating the elaborate web of loops and swirls revealed in the X-ray data. These features, similar to those found in the Crab, are evidence that 3C58 and others like it are capable of generating both swarms of high-energy particles and powerful magnetic fields. In this image, low, medium, and high-energy X-rays detected by Chandra are red, green, and blue respectively. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #chandra15 #astronomy #space #science; -
Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary! New Image: In 1054 AD, Chinese astronomers and others around the world noticed a new bright object in the sky. This “new star” was, in fact, the supernova explosion that created what is now called the Crab Nebula. At the center of the Crab Nebula is an extremely dense, rapidly rotating neutron star left behind by the explosion. The neutron star, also known as a pulsar, is spewing out a blizzard of high-energy particles, producing the expanding X-ray nebula seen by Chandra. In this new image, lower-energy X-rays from Chandra are red, medium energy X-rays are green, and the highest-energy X-rays are blue. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #chandra15 #astronomy #space #science;
Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary! New Image: At a distance of about 20,000 light years, G292.0+1.8 is one of only three supernova remnants in the Milky Way known to contain large amounts of oxygen. These oxygen-rich supernovas are of great interest to astronomers because they are one of the primary sources of the heavy elements (that is, everything other than hydrogen and helium) necessary to form planets and people. The X-ray image from Chandra shows a rapidly expanding, intricately structured, debris field that contains, along with oxygen (yellow and orange), other elements such as magnesium (green) and silicon and sulfur (blue) that were forged in the star before it exploded. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #chandra15 #astronomy #space #science; -
Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary! New Image: More than four centuries after Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe first observed the supernova that bears his name, the supernova remnant it created is now a bright source of X-rays. The supersonic expansion of the exploded star produced a shock wave moving outward into the surrounding interstellar gas, and another, reverse shock wave moving back into the expanding stellar debris. This Chandra image of Tycho reveals the dynamics of the explosion in exquisite detail. The outer shock has produced a rapidly moving shell of extremely high-energy electrons (blue), and the reverse shock has heated the expanding debris to millions of degrees (red and green). There is evidence from the Chandra data that these shock waves may be responsible for some of the cosmic rays – ultra-energetic particles – that pervade the Galaxy and constantly bombard the Earth. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #chandra15 #astronomy #space #science; -
As Seen on @CBSThisMorning, which is posting some of our images each morning this week - This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a solar flare -- the bright light on the left side of the sun -- on July 8, 2014. An eruption of solar material can also be seen arcing up and away. After it left the sun, this arc of material became a coronal mass ejection, a giant cloud of solar material, headed toward Mars. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth's atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however -- when intense enough -- they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel. Flares move at the speed of light, and can reach Earth in eight minutes. Coronal mass ejections, on the other hand, send actual solar material and particles out into space moving much more slowly: typically around 500-1000 miles per second. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #sun #sdo #solarflare #science; -
As Seen on @CBSThisMorning, which is posting some of our images each morning this week: Making Tracks on Mars. Our Curiosity rover is driving toward Mount Sharp on Mars. Using the front and rear hazard cameras ("hazcams") we see the 3-kilometer-tall Mount Sharp looming ahead, and fresh rover tracks left behind. Since landing, Curiosity has driven 5 miles (8 kilometers) stopping to do science along the way. One of Curiosity's first major findings after landing on the Red Planet in August 2012 was an ancient riverbed at its landing site. Nearby, at an area known as Yellowknife Bay, the mission met its main goal of determining whether the Martian Gale Crater ever was habitable for simple life forms. The answer, a historic "yes," came from two mudstone slabs that the rover sampled with its drill. Analysis of these samples revealed the site was once a lakebed with mild water, the essential elemental ingredients for life, and a type of chemical energy source used by some microbes on Earth. If Mars had living organisms, this would have been a good home for them. Rovers are gathering valuable scientific information and helping pave the #PathToMars as part of our #NextGiantLeap -- sending astronauts to the Red Planet. Video Credit: NASA #nasa #space #mars #msl #marscuriosity #science; -
Five Space Legends: Former shuttle and Apollo astronauts today toured the refurbished Operations and Checkout Building, newly named for Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the moon. Viewing the Orion crew module stacked on top of the service module from left, are former shuttle astronaut and Kennedy Center Director Bob Cabana, Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, Apollo astronaut Jim Lovell, Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, and former shuttle astronaut and NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden. The building's high bay is being used to support the agency's new Orion spacecraft, which will lift off atop the Space Launch System. Orion is designed to take humans farther than they've ever gone before, serving as the exploration vehicle that will carry astronauts to deep space and sustain the crew during travel to destinations such as an asteroid or Mars. Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett #nasa #pathtomars #apollo45 #apollo11 #nextgiantleap #neilarmstrong;
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