@marutaro : ぷりけつ写真コンテスト 最終日です。
@maotodan が投稿してくれた、グレートデンのダンちゃん に決定しました。
安心しきった「お顔」と「おしり」が @maotodan さんとの信頼関係があってこその作品だと思いました。
@maotodan さんの作品は他にもとってもかわいい写真がいっぱいあります。是非フォローしてくださいね。
This is the last day of the Puri-ketsu (Cute Ass) Picture Contest.
We have thought through who would be the last one, but We have decided to give the first place to the one with Dan-chan, the Great Dane, that @maotodan-san has posted. The face and the ass that shows feelings of safety and coziness, that could only brought out if there were not for the trust between Dan-chan and @matodan @matodan has many other cute pictures, please follow her.
We are closing the appearances of Puri-Ketsu(Cute Ass) contest today. There was over 2500 pictures entry. I personally developed more love and affection to the animals thorough this contest, I hope you would have received something from this too. We also received criticisms that pictures of Ass are indelicate that you should not put them on the website. Taking this opportunity, We would like to apologies for the nastiness that we caused for you.
We hope to bring on the next contest with different themes and make more opportunities to feel close to the animals all over the world. Thank you for your participants.
Best, Shinjiro ( @marutaro )
โพสต์เมื่อ 26 พ.ค. 2557 | 14:28 น.