@pan_surakiat : BLUR Presents "LESS IS MORE PARTY" Feat. POD and Dj April
It will never be the same in Fallabella with our extra laser lights!!
*Date :: 11.12.13 from 9pm - 2am
*Theme :: Girls -Wear less
Guys -Enjoy more
*Pre-sale 499 Front-door 599
free 2 mixers and 1 drink (limited amount of tickets are available)
*To reserve the table please contact Fallabella directly 022525131
*To reserve the ticket and VIP tables please contact Line: Blur_party or 0951497961
@blurparty #blurparty
โพสต์เมื่อ 23 พ.ย. 2556 | 21:45 น.