โพสต์เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2556 | 06:48 น.

ชินดงกึน Shin Donggeun
Twitter: @penielshin Snapchat: btobpeniel
ของ พีเนียล BtoB

Sleep well like Eunkwang today :P 오늘은 은광이형 처럼 푹자요 ㅋㅋㅋ ><; -
s/o to all the melodies that came out today!!! Get some rest and sleep well like Changsub! Haha :P #longcarrides #KO #fellasleeponmyshoulder 오늘 응원하러 온 멜로디 수고했어요! 이제 창업이형처럼 푹자요! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ >< #내어깨에잠들었어; -
I bought a limited edition Simpsons hat!! It was hard to choose...but I think I made a pretty good choice :P #simpsons #limitededition 심슨 한정판 모자 한개샀다! ㅋㅋ 고르기 힘들었는데..잘 고른것같아 >< #심슨 #한정판; -
민주누나 이르지만 생일축하해요!!!!; -
S/o to whoever made this! Haha #Penion ㅋㅋㅋ 누가 만든지 모르겠지만 고마워요! #프니언;
Just had breakfast and resting a bit before rehearsal!! Did you guys eat yet?? #lovehotelbreakfasts 아침 먹고 리허설 전에 좀 숴고있는중!! 아침 먹었어요??? #호텔아침음식사랑해; -
Landed safely in Japan!!! Woot! ^^ 일본에 잘 도착했습니다!!! ^^; -
Practicing for the Japanese mini concert! :P 일본 미니콘서트 연습중~; -
Went to Inkigayo and met my rival Pokemon trainer... To be continued 인기가요갔는데 라이벌 포켓몬 트레이너를 만났는데...; -
s/o to Thai Melodies!!! We'll eat it well :) Yum yum 태국 멜로디 고마워!! 맛있게먹을게~ 냠 냠 ^^;
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