@koendanai : 3..2..1.. ยิ้ม. People change but a photograph never does, what a shame. We all hope for the best, the expieriences of the early dawn. Fresh, mesmerizing, enchanting, tranfix or even hypnotic, but time never stops neither does feelings. All we can do is try our hardest, accept, understand or move on. Just like a theme park " Enjoy the ride while you can". Never doubt, always believe in yourself and engrave your own decisions. Again dear my future self keep smiling. :)
โพสต์เมื่อ 2 เม.ย 2559 | 18:54 น.
Instagram ดารา @koendanai
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KOEN-เขื่อนดนัย Freelance ติดต่องานโดยตรงได้ที่ 06-1691-4653 koendanai@hotmail.com Owner of Creamy Buzzle @Creamybuzzle

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