โพสต์เมื่อ 12 มี.ค. 2559 | 13:52 น.

จรีนา สิริสิงห
•Organic Paleo/Vegan Dessert chef •Bulletproof Ambassador •kundalini yogi •Thai/Dominican mutt •aka Bubbles Snap me at: charina_s
ของ แก้ว Zaza

Always moving forward 🏽🏽️; -
Always see the light at the end of the tunnel #calilife #nature #grounded #losangeles #cityofangels #homesweethome; -
God mother duties #littlemowgli #akaneedles #withthehomie #Yohji #papillon #bubblesandpuppies; -
Bubbles fun times in the sun with the beast @asaptown 🏽🏽; -
Can't get enough of mowgli #puppy #chao-wawa #mutt #cutie #rescued #girldate #goodvibesonly;
Sat Nam 🏽 #cleanyoursoul #selfwork #connectwithethers #kundalinibaby #goodvibesonly; -
Butterscotch pôt de crème #paleo #grassfed #pasturedeggs #lowglycemicindex #bubblesbakery #bubblesbackinthekitchen #organic; -
Little bubble and his fairy god mother and his real mother @califor_nia_love; -
Lenny Kravitz ladies and gentlemen 😎 @lennykravitz this is my best day ever!!! #sexiestmanalive #happybubbles #calilife #lennykravitz; -
Nailed it 😎 #frenchmacarons #101 #espressomochaganache #saltedcaramel #firsttime #happybubbles;
Learning is the best present you can give to yourself #frenchmacarons #101 #workshop #happybubbles #goodvibesonly; -
Morning cuddles with the little rascal #Yohji #papillon; -
Good old memories when this little guy was still on planet earth #AJ #americanshorthair #RIP #youwereloved #goodvibesonly #offtohappyplace; -
Time for full moon meditation 🏽 #satnam #goodvibesonly #kundalinibaby #waheguru; -
Bubbles taken care of #cozy #nightin #bulletproof #homemade #superfood #icecream #wildacaiberry #wildblackraspberries #wileblueberries #lowglycemicindex #bylukestorey @lukestorey;
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