@kalorin : When you have a heart made of gold -- it doesn't matter how much of a roller coaster life can be.. Because you will always find love and light within each of its trials and tribulations. In good and bad, sickness or in health -- @gemma_peanut was always consistent in everything she does. I'm so thankful for your love, friendship and sisterhood bum. Your kindness and compassion for everyone makes me fall in love with you more and more every single day. Which makes you, Mr @matthew_rooney, one lucky ducky clucky man!
Yesterday, you both were blessed in front of the eyes of God and your matrimony had me soaked in happy tears. I look forward to more adventures and memory making with you two.
Love you both very much.
โพสต์เมื่อ 16 พ.ย. 2558 | 09:12 น.