#dog #cutedog #smalldog #mixedbreeddog #instadog #chihuahua #australianterrier #cute #animal #hund #cat #katze #catdog #instacat Instagram @hopelinchen 7

(o,..,o) Now this time I am playing the vampire! *harhar* ... no worries, I didn't hurt her. ^^ #dog #cutedog #smalldog #mixedbreeddog #instadog #chihuahua #australianterrier #cute #animal #hund #cat #katze #catdog #instacat Instagram @hopelinchen 11

zzZZZ ... #cute #cutedog #smalldog #chihuahua #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #hund #süß #sleepy #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 2

Sleepy at the couch ... #cute #cutedog #smalldog #chihuahua #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #hund #süß #sleepy #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 9

^o^ Playing with the big Mau! She looked bit like a vampire, but don't worry ... we really just played. <3 #dog #cutedog #smalldog #mixedbreeddog #instadog #chihuahua #australianterrier #cute #animal #hund #cat #katze #catdog #instacat Instagram @hopelinchen 6

Me & the big Mau! Chillin together! ^o^ #dog #cutedog #smalldog #mixedbreeddog #instadog #chihuahua #australianterrier #cute #animal #hund #cat #katze #catdog #instacat Instagram @hopelinchen 7

Coz of an OP I had to wear a babybody for a while ... mommy & aunty meant it looks amazingly cute! <3 What do you think? In the meantime I am fine again & jumping around without the body. ^o^ #cute #cutedog #smalldog #chihuahua #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #hund #süß #sleepy #hope #hopelinchen #baby Instagram @hopelinchen 3

Close up. ^^ #cute #cutedog #smalldog #chihuahua #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #hund #süß #sleepy #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 6

Taking rest at grandparents couch. :) My place where I always lie. #cute #cutedog #smalldog #chihuahua #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #hund #süß #sleepy #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 7

Sunday noon I was going on a walk with mommy, aunty & my grandma!<3 It was so nice, but so warm. #cute #cutedog #smalldog #chihuahua #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #hund #süß #spaziergang #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 14

My sister at Saturday. :) Isn't she cute!? #cute #süß #cat #katze #schildpatt #instacat Instagram @hopelinchen 3

#cute #cutedog #instadog #sleepingdog #australianterrier #chihuahua #mixedbreeddog #smalldog #hund #süß #hopelinchen #hope Instagram @hopelinchen 7

Saturday evening with mommy & aunty in the living room ... feeling comfy & taking a little nap. zzzZZZ ... #cute #cutedog #hund #süß #australianterrier #smalldog #chihuahua #instadog #sleepingdog #mixedbreeddog #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 9

#cutedog #cute #hund #dog #süß #instadog #australianterrier #chihuahua #mixedbreeddog #smalldog #driving #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 10

Enjoying the sun. <3 #cutedog #cute #driving #süß #hope #hopelinchen #azorenbaby #australianterrier #chihuahua #mixedbreeddog #smalldog #instadog #hund Instagram @hopelinchen 9

#cutedog #cute #süß #instadog #dog #hund #australianterrier #chihuahua #mixedbreeddog #smalldog #hope #hopelinchen Instagram @hopelinchen 13

Thursday driving in the car to the city ... looking outside the window was so fun! :) #cutedog #cute #süß #dog #australianterrier #chihuahua #mixedbreeddog #smalldog #hund #driving #instadog Instagram @hopelinchen 14

#cutedog #cute #süß #hund #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #dogbasket #hope #hopelinchen #chihuahua #instadog #smalldog Instagram @hopelinchen 12

Got a new basket, it's a 2in1 basket. :) Love it! <3 #cutedog #cute #dogbasket #instadog #hund #hopelinchen #hope #smalldog #australianterrier #mixedbreeddog #chihuahua #süß Instagram @hopelinchen 17