@bryceyoga : Yoga isn't just about standing on your hands...we hear this often, and we don't entirely disagree. But, the level of focus it takes to find balance up there allows for a pretty intense connection to the present moment. And that is pretty freakin awesome! European Yogi friends!!! We are heading your way, May 23-24 to Yoga Life in Graz, Austria. Come on out and practice standing on your feet, arms, and hands...get your #yoga on with us Practice and #InspireOn my fellow peeps ️ #BryceYoga #inspirationgeneration #BryceYogaWorkshop #yogacouple #handstands #garudasana
โพสต์เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2558 | 11:20 น.
Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga
ไบรโอนี่ รอดโพธิ์ทอง
️Lovers of life, Lovers in life. Parents,Traveling Yoga Teachers, Handstand&Acro Enthusiasts 10/2 Jeju Island, 10/8-9 Worthersee, 10/10-11 Moscow

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